Chapter 34

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"What is it about them? I must be missing something ...... Better off without them"
-Billie Eilish


Noah has been very persistent. For the past few weeks, he has been leaving me flowers and a card on my desk every day. Sometimes he even gives me days off so I can relax.

Instead of letting me eat lunch with everyone else he takes me out to expensive restaurants and treats me. Bottles of champagne and wine are the only things I drink now.

All the good treatment comes with negative feedback. My coworkers are acting like bitter ass broke bitches every time Noah does something for me.

The whispering and jealousy are apart of my every day like now. All the ladies wish they were in my position and it shows. They call me a slut all the time.

It's not my fault their man doesn't have the bank account to treat them with the lavish lifestyle.

Noah isn't my man but, he's trying. I still have strong feelings for him but, I'm not going to make it known. Before I give him a chance I have to put him through various tests.

The things that happened back in New York is still in my mind. I never forgot about them no matter how much I tried. The scars that are on my back is still a constant reminder.

Something is off. My foster parents have been way to quiet and I'm starting to get suspicious. I've been in California for about a year and a half now and I've yet to hear anything from them.

I know that I didn't have a phone back in New York but, they would still found a way to contact me. They're not ones to give up this easily either.

I know something is going to happen. I can feel it.

The minute lunchtime came around I grabbed my purse and ran out of my office. This is my favorite part of the day. I get to eat, get away from my annoying co-workers, and eat, eat and eat some more.

As I was running out of the office someone tapped on my shoulder. I stopped and turned around only to be meet with Karen, 'the mom' of the office.

That lady is annoying as hell. She makes sure that everyone is on task before she even starts her own work. Her ankle-length skirt matched with her thigh-length shirt says it all. She's a very conservative lady.

She doesn't like it when the young ladies in the office wears revealing clothes. She'll make sure she gives you a stern talking to so you won't wear those clothes again.

"Young lady, you're always eating. It's too early for you to be eating those large portions of food you eat on a daily basis."

I looked at her like she was stupid. Like nigga, what time does my stomach open? Nobody tells her anything when she eats her goatskin with fish sausage for breakfast. The office always smells like shit every morning and she doesn't care.

"With all due respect, why does that affect you?"

"You're getting a little fat"

I rolled my eyes and walked away from her. I don't know why she's giving me a talk about my weight when she's practically the heaviest person here. I was going to tell her that but, I decided against it.

I don't talk about someone's weight unless they bring mine up. Since she's an elder and I didn't want to fight fire with fire I let it go.

After a short walk, I walked into Panda Express. I've been craving some orange chicken for a while now. The small on my face dropped the moment I walked into the restaurant.

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