Chapter 2

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"I know you're sad and tired you got nothing left to give"
- Lil Uzi Vert


"I'm sorry but you're not qualified for this job. You don't meet all of our requirements. Good luck on your job quest"

I've heard this sentence ten times and it's only my second week here in California. I still don't understand what they mean by I don't meet all their requirements.

I'm applying for a accountant job with a master's degree in business, five mastered foreign languages, and experience in finances.

I didn't get hired because the girl that had on the mini skirt, crop top, and high high heels got it. She showed me her resume and it was practically empty.

I saw her celebrating outside about getting the job too. I thought she was just lying but I guess she wasn't.

She didn't finish college and when she was there she was majoring in cosmetology. What does that have to do with an accountant job?

But, I guess since she walked in swaying her hips and basically falling at his feet she meet all the requirement.

"Vete a la mierda, puta esquelética" I said as I got up.

He thought I said something good so he smiled at me. I just said 'go fuck yourself, you dried up bitch'.

I'm kind of happy I didn't get the job actually. This guy seems like a pervert. The first thing I was asked when I sat down was what was my bra size. when I said my size he looked down at my boobs with a smile on his face. I don't know why I even answered that question.

As I walked to the bus stop I couldn't help but think about my current living situation. Rent is due in a couple of weeks and I still have no job and a little bit of money.

The money that I did have I had to rent out an apartment, buy business clothes and buy food so I could at least gain some weight. It's not healthy that I've been the same weight since I was a freshman high school.

If I knew the real world was going to be like this I shouldn't have gone to college. I would've just bought a short skirt and a crop top.

I turned the corner but was quickly stopped by a body colliding into mine. Luckily my feet stayed planted on the ground while the person I ran into backed up a little bit. A coffee cup rolled in front of my feet as I looked up.

When my eyes finally meet the person's eyes I stood still. I was meet with a tall handsome man with brown eyes. His lips puckered up as he looked me up and down. A few seconds later I noticed a dark stain on his once white button down shirt.

"Are you stupid? Can you not see where you're going?"

He ruined it.

My sudden fascination went away as fast as they came. His mouth makes him less attractive and that's disgusting. He looked at me with anger clear on his face since I still haven't said a word to him.

"These whores are so dumb nowadays"

He whispered as he looked down at his shirt. He tried to scrub the stain away but I created a bigger stain.

"I just accidentally ran into you, you don't have to be a dick about it. I'll give you the money to buy another shirt damn"

I dug in my peeled leather bag trying to look for my wallet. Once I found it I pulled it out only for him to stop me. Thank God he did because my wallet only has three dollars and a half eaten stick of gum.

"My shirt is far too expensive for someone like you to have the money to pay for it. It's a classic white hand stitched shirt with a three thousand thread count. You couldn't possibly cough up ten thousand dollars to pay for it"

Ten thousand dollars? Do you know how much food I could buy with that much money. I would never spend it on a shirt that I could easily grow out of.

This guy must have gotten a red sticker everyday in elementary school. He looks like one of those bad ass kids that didn't care while I almost had a heart attack if I even went to the yellow.

"Even if I had the money or not you don't have to judge me like that. What if I automatically judged you and called you a man whore just because that white shirt you're wearing have multiple different smells of perfume and different color lipstick stains on it?"

It's true though. His shirt has about five different perfume smells mixed in with the smell of his cologne. I'm not going to judge him but I'm going to judge him if he keeps talking to me reckless.

"I advice you to mind your damn business. I'll have you know that I'm not one to be messed with. I'll ruin your whole life if you're not careful with me"

He said with some bass in his voice. He thought that was going to affect me. To be truthful he sounded like a howling dog.

"Oh my gosh I'm shaking in my big girl panties. It's a shame I don't care who you are and I don't want to know either"


"La la la la, I don't care. Now if you would excuse me I have better things to do with my life than stand here and talk to a bastard with his head stuck in his ass"

And with that I walked away. I could hear him calling me but I just kept on walking. He could've at least acted like he had manners. He ran into me and he had the nerve to call me broke.

Even thought it was true he didn't have to speak so loud.

When I finally made it to the small shabby apartment that I lived in I busted the door open. That's the only way it will open. The door is so rusty that once it closes it takes a few minutes to open up.

I walked through the door only to be meet with disappointment again. My living room is empty except for a two year old newspaper and a lollipop stick that had a dead roach on it.

I had no bed, no dresser, no blankets and no air conditioner. I slept on a piece of cardboard that I also used as a fan.

Half the money I had was spent on this apartment. All the clothes I came to California with was what I still had. Nothing has changed except for my location.

I only had fifty dollars left out of the five thousand dollars that I bought with me. Transportation food, and housing took up ninety five percent of my money.

I thought adulthood would've easy. The disappointment of becoming an adult and realizing all the adults you thought had all the answers were just lying to themselves like you are now.

I'm going to work twice as hard tomorrow to make my life the life that I'm striving for. I refuse to play victim.

Tomorrow I'm waking up extra early to get a head start on my mission to find a job. I will not continue to live like this.

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