Chapter 43

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"Talk, let's have conversations in the dark"
-John Legend


Ruby's POV

"So when are you going to tell Noah?"

"I don't know to be honest. We've only been dating for a few months"

"Well, you better tell him soon. That's too much information for you to hold out on for any much longer"

"What if he doesn't accept it?"

"Then leave him"

I've been talking to Noah's grandma for hours now. After the whole meeting his parent's situation I didn't know how to feel. I've been giving him the silent treatment for a week now. I just couldn't get over the fact that he basically set me up.

His dad had enough of Rosalinda shit too. Once they went back home Devon moved out and sent her divorce letters. She called Noah's grandma crying her eyes out.

All grandma did was drink her wine and ate her crackers and cheese.

Just because I didn't talk to him that didn't make him give up. If anything he tried even harder. I woke up to breakfast in bed the whole week and foot massages. He spoiled me even more than he already does.

I felt guilty because I was technically taking advantage of him. But, I also didn't want to forgive him too easily. His mom's hatred for me could have easily taken over and she could've caused harm to me.

Now that I'm over it I have to talk to him. There's something important I have to tell him and I don't know how he'll react. Talking to his grandma wasn't easy either.

All she's been telling me is to slap him upside the head if he doesn't accept it. Personally, I can't do that. As a domestic violence survivor, I vowed to not lay my hands on anyone, no matter how much they deserve it.

"Trust me he'll understand, my late husband did and they're just alike"

I've been wanting to tell Noah about my foster parents for the longest now. His grandma has been giving me advice on how to tell him since she's adopted also.

No matter how hard I try pushing them to the back of my head it doesn't work. The pain they caused me is a daily reminder of what I went through when I was in New York.

Noah knows I'm hiding something, he just doesn't want to pressure me to tell him. Every time he lifts his hands up too high I flinch away a little bit. Him even touching me in some places makes me remember my foster parents.

"Hi baby"

I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice he came home. As he was about to pull away I pulled him close to me and kissed him. His eyes widened in surprise before he closed them. Just as it was getting heated I pulled away.

"You're not mad at me anymore?"

"No, I forgive you, idiot"

He looked like a fat kid at a bakery. He quickly rushed to his suitcase and picked up something next to it. He walked up to me and gave me a wrapped up gift.

He placed it on my lap and started bouncing from one leg to another. I watched him in amusement as he patiently waited for me to open the present. As I opened it he started biting his nails. What's inside the box that could be making him so nervous like this?

When I opened it I realized why he was so nervous. He bought me a diamond necklace that came with a matching diamond bracelet and earrings. I saw it shimmer as it hit the light.

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