Chapter 17

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"You know I want you, it's not a secret I try to hide"
- Zendaya, Zac Efron


"I don't know why you decided to wear that today"

"If you don't buy my clothes don't control what I wear"

I said under my breath. I can tell he heard me because he rolled his eyes at me. Maybe if he told me that he was taking me to a meeting I would have throw on a white cropped jean jacket but no. He could've told me when we were at my apartment too but he didn't.

The meeting was about to start and he was still stressing over my shoulders being too sexy.

I took his jacket off the back of his seat and put it on. His eyes scanned my body with lust as I folded the cuffs of the jacket. I looked like I was being swallowed into a black hole.

"You look cute"

He said out of nowhere. His eyes ran up my legs in slow motion as he licked his lips. He walked up to me and pulled me me flush against his chest. I felt his hands slide down my back as he stared at me.

The commotion happening behind the door immediately snapped him out of his gaze. I stepped around him and went to greet the guest.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen"

I said as I put on a smile. I shook all their hands as they walked into the conference area. All thirty nine of them. It's safe to say that my face is sore from all the fake smiling I was doing.

I expected everyone to be waiting for their boss to talk but, I was wrong. They were all staring at me like I had a dick on my face. Every time we go to a new place for a meeting this always.

They're so hypnotized by the melanin that they don't know what to do with themselves.

"I get it, she's beautiful. Now let's get back to business"

When the meeting started I went around the room to pour water into everyone's cup. When I leaned over to pour water for one of the men I felt a slap on my butt.

I turned around in one swift motion and slapped the man with all my might. He held his face in pain as I saw tears welling up in his eyes.

Everyone in the room went silent. I looked up only to see Mr. Cruz with his hands clenched on the table. His face was tomato red as he stared at the man who slapped my butt.

Before another word could be spoken Mr. Cruz was already out of his seat and on top of the man. All I was hearing was his fist hitting the man's face repeatedly. Blood covered his fist and some drops of it was on his shirt.

As he punched the man everyone just watched. I quickly ran out of the room and went to get security. When they came they pulled Mr. Cruz off the guy after many failed attempts.

"Don't fucking touch her you bitch.  She's mine"


The whole ride to my apartment was silent. He didn't mutter a word to me as he drove with his hand clenching the steering wheel.

Blood was dripping from his fist onto his dress pants. I offered to wrap it up for him at the office but he pushed past me and speed walked to his car.

When we got in front of my apartment I tried to get out but her switched on the auto lock. I looked at him with fear in my eyes as he just stared at me.

"Yes sir?"

"Why do you insist on drawing attention to yourself?"

"I was just wearing clothes. It's not my fault those old white men are touchy"

Which is true.  When I was in high school the old white teachers were always so touchy towards the female students. They would rub their backs and run their fingers through the girl's  hair. It was all just weird as hell.

I just went to school, got my A's, then left. I didn't have time to be friends with snakes and dogs. 

After a couple minutes of silence he finally turned off the auto lock. I mumbled a thank you and got out of the car. His hand is busted open and he still finds a way to insult me.

I heard his footsteps behind me as I walked into my apartment. When I took a seat on the couch he came rushing in with blood dripping from his hands. He quickly went into the bathroom and kicked the door shut with his foot.

I got up and went to get he mop to his trail blood that was leading to the bathroom. I wouldn't want anyone to think that I'm a murderer. I mean at least they won't try to fuck with me.

"Fuck... shit... bitch"

Noah said in the bathroom. I walked in there only to see a bloody mess in the sink. He was trying to apply some alcohol to his cut that was dripping on the carpet inside of the bathroom.

"What are you doing?"

"Playing dress up with Kevin Hart. What does it look like I'm doing?"

"For someone who needs help you sure do talk reckless"

I said as I grabbed the cotton ball and the alcohol from his hand. I sat him down on the toilet seat and started cleaning his wounds. The whole time I was trying not to stab his cut he was just staring at me.


"You have pink juicy lips. They're so full"

He said as he stared at my lips in admiration. I unconsciously lick my lips at his compliment. It took me a while to like my lips but it's safe to say that I'm in love with them now. I didn't know what to say so I just said thank you.

It was silent for a moment as I saw Noah looking at my lips with a hungry look in his eyes. I tried to ignore his burning eyes on me but they were making me nervous.

I quickly finished cleaning his wounds and wrapped up his hands. He looked like a big ass snowman. I stifled my laughter as I started thinking about how he was going to type on his laptop.

"The clear lipgloss You're wearing makes them look even better"

He said as he started to lean closer to me. My breath hitched in my throat as his lips slightly grazed on mine. When he saw I didn't pull away he smashed his lips on mine.

I immediately froze. His eyes were closed and his lips were still moving on mine. After seconds of just standing there my lips started moving. It's like they had a mind of there own.

The moment I responded he took the opportunity to pull me closer to him. He sat me down on his lap so I was straddling him. I felt my skirt rise up as he kept on rubbing his hand on my butt. My hands ran his hair as he groaned in my mouth.

"Your ass is fat"

He mumbled in my mouth as he squeezed my cheeks. If he's not ready to clap them cheeks he better not be talking so reckless.

He slapped my butt twice before his hands traveled up to my boobs. I felt my nipples hardened as he rubbed my breast through the bra. This time I let out a moan in his mouth.

His lips detached from mine causing me to groan in protest. His eyes widened as he looked at me in shock. He stood up causing my legs to wrap around his waist. He then put me down and took a deep breathe.

"Thank you for cleaning up my wounds"

He said then he walked out of the bathroom. I stood there in shock. We just had a steamy make out session and he just left. I looked at the sink and it was full with blood.

My first kiss was with my boss next to a sink full of his blood.

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