This Is How I Start Every Story

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Sorry, but I have to do this for every story.

Hello, I'm your friendly 16-year-old unsuccessful writer, hoping for a little success.

I will not beg, but please read.

Let's start with the fun stuff to let you know what you're about to read.

Strong language, hints of smut, death, LGBTQ+ support, other gang stuff and all that. The main characters are NOT in the LGBTQ+ community. But as a member and supporter of the community, I will be including such aspects. Please leave if you're a homophobic asshole. Thanks.

Now for the not so fun stuff

Be nice
No hate, I am not afraid to report you.
No using my story as a platform for you to release anger and be a mean mother fucker.

So I will actually be doing face claims and posting them in the next chapter. But here are names and small descriptions of the main characters.

A quiet girl who doesn't know the truth about her bloodline. Is being adopted by a family of 3.

Dark haired. Really smart. Leader of Apollo. He is always wearing dark colors like maroon, blues, and black.

Tall brunette. Likes art. Second in command of Artemis. Likes wearing neutral colors like white, black, and gray, and a beanie.

I really hope you enjoy the story. If you do, follow me on Instagram. In my bio.

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