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She glows as she walks across the courtyard

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She glows as she walks across the courtyard. Just beaming.

Her coronation is tomorrow and I'm in charge of meeting everything up...

And ordering all the food...

And getting the dress properly dress cleaned...

And ordering all the alcohol...

Smart by the way. Put the alcoholic in charge of alcohol.

And dry cleaning Jason's suit...

And setting up his bedroom because he can't sleep in the same room as her tonight...

And ordering entertainment...

And damn near everything else.

It's helping though. Keeping myself busy keeps me from drinking myself to death.

But I might be a little too busy.

"Just a little bit higher Margret," I tell the girl that's hanging the decorations.

Once she thinks she has it she sticks the hook in and hangs it.

"I'm busy," I say when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

When the taps continue I turn around angrily to be looking down at Vicki.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"You wanna get lunch? Feel like I haven't seen you in a forever."

"Yeah. Just give me a minute. Let me," I look around but see no one who can take over my position, "hold on."

I pull out my phone and call Jason. "What's up?" He asks.

"I'm slammed with all this coronation shit but Vicki wants to go get lunch. Can you take over for like an hour?"

"Yeah. Let me finish my training and I'll head there," I can hear a gun shit ring in the background.

I walk back to Vicki who's still standing in the same spot. "I'm having Jason take over. Can you wait like ten minutes?" I tilt my head a little when I see someone putting up the wrong color streamer. "Damn it, Karen!"

She laughs a little, "yeah. I can wait," she goes and sits by the garden and takes some pictures on her phone.

"Karen! Red! Red wine. God of wine. What is this!?"

"Black," she says shyly.

"Lovely," I sigh, "get it down please!"

After another fifteen stressing minutes Jason takes the clipboard from me and I go over to Vicki.

"Ready to go?"

"Do you want to go to town? I'm honestly kind of tired of the food here."

"Sure," I smile and we head to the garage.

I flip on the light and the thirty or so lights brighten up the room. My motorcycle is near the front since I've been running errands all week.

She grabs her helmet off the wall and hops on behind me.

She wraps her arms around me and I hit the clutch.

We speed into the woods that stretch for at least eight miles. The scenery is beautiful. I've never seen so much green before. The birds flying, and not trying to dodge powerlines and windows. I'm sure if I wasn't going damn near ninety miles an hour I'd hear water running from the waterfalls and lakes, and I'd hear those birds.

When we hit the clearing that the road goes through I know we're almost to town. I rev the engine a little to speed up. I can feel Vicki clench tighter to me as it goes. I smile.

Just because I know my place to her doesn't mean that my feelings have disappeared.

But I've put those feelings down. Nothing will ever come of them.

Once we get in town we head to my favorite burger joint. I mean think of the best burger on the planet and then it's even better. That's this place. But even better.

We walk in and the lady at the front immediately puts in my order. "And the lady?"

"Um. I'll have the bacon sliders with a sprite please."

She quickly gets in the order and hands us medium cups.

"You excited?" I pour my drink.

"Yeah. I haven't even seen the dress yet and, ow," she jumps at what I have to assume is a pain.

"You good?"

"Yeah,  a, an air bubble between my ribs popped."


"It felt like something was stuck between my bad ribs, it popped. I think it was an air bubble."

"Oh," I laugh a little at my stupidity.

"Thanks for taking the time off your busy schedule. I don't think my dad likes you much."

"Quite opposite actually. He trusts me too much," I laugh.

"How's it healing?"

"It's ok. It still hurts a little. But I'm trying not to drink so much, so killing the pain isn't going well."

"It'll get better. You know that" She smiles.

"It just sucks. Being an alcoholic makes them not want to give me pain relievers. I'm tired of it."

"I get it. Just stay strong. I need you. "

"I'm happy to call you my leader. But I couldn't ask for a bester friend." 

"Bester? That's not a word," she laughs.

"I couldn't come up with a better word!"

"You just used it, idiot!"

"Damn, I've missed these moments with you."

"You're the one who practically ran off for five days after the battle."

"I couldn't stand the sight of the two of you."

"I still love you dumb ass. But he's the one I want," she looks around for a moment then wipes her cheek, "but I don't want to talk about that please."

"Fine. I'm sorry," there's a strange moment of silence between us while we eat. "I really am happy for you guys. I just needed a little time."

I notice my phone starting to go crazy and I get up and take the call. "Yes?"

"Shits going down. I need you back here now."

"Uh, yeah. Can you handle another fifteen?"

"I think so. But hurry anyways."

He hangs up and I head back over to Vicki. "We need to take this home. Jason can't handle it by himself."

"Damn. Was hoping to have you for longer," she sighs as she starts packing up

"I'll see you when I help you with your dress tomorrow," I look at her as we head out, "but I can't let down Klaus," I kiss her on her for head, "or you."

I hate myself for this. But its all for her.

It was always all for her.


I hate and I love this chapter. Its absolutely adorable but so horribly written.

I love you guys!


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