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I smile to myself as I walk into the classroom

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I smile to myself as I walk into the classroom. He was so nice. And really cute.

"I see you've already got yourself a man," Taylor dances around me.

"Not quite. You said he's OK right?"

"I asked Ariana. She said he's a lot sweeter than he looks," she smiles. I know her smiles, thats a lieing smile. What is she hiding?

I decide to let it slide, but still laugh to myself enough to make my shoulders move."He really is. I'm going to get some coffee with him after I do my homework."

"Oooooh! That's great!" She takes my hands and leads me to the nearest open seats.

There's still an empty seat...

The bell rings.

"Alright, class. Get out your chem books."

I look around as everyone but me has a book.

"Where's your book?" The teacher asks rudely.

"Um, I'm new. I didn't get a book."

"You should have thought about that before you got here. Should have come and visited my office. This one day, you may share with Taylor, you need to have your own book next time." He scolds then walks away.

"Whats his issue?"

"He's just a grumpy man I guess."

Just then, an all too familiar face walks in.

Please don't tell me this seat is-

"Michael! Late as per usual. Go sit. And be nice to the new girl," he scolds.

He says nothing and walks- no- stumbles over to the empty desk next to me.


"Hello, beautiful." He says.

"And why were you late this time?" The teacher asks as he turns on the projector.

"Leaving a present for someone. Took longer than I expected." He slurs, the proceeds to smile at me.

"Alright, open to page 247 and take notes. We'll come back together in 30 minutes to discuss."

"Hey, you want to get some lunch with me sometime? I can take you on my bike if you want."

"Um, I'm good," I say then turn back to the book.

"Your loss girly. Sorry, I never caught your nam-" he nearly falls out the chair. 

"That's none of your business," I growl 

"Fine. Play hard to get Vicki. I like games." He continues to slur.

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