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I stare at the clock in my last class, waiting for the large hand to stroke the nine

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I stare at the clock in my last class, waiting for the large hand to stroke the nine.

I can't wait to train. I can't wait to get into the gym and throw Jason to the ground.

I hear my stomach rumble and ignore it. I don't need to eat. I just need to fight.

And win

I feel like I'm hiding behind a mask when in around the people I love, except for when I'm in the gym.

I love training. It makes me happier then when in with Jason.


I smile at the thought if him.

I look over at the teacher for a moment, and back at the clock.

Two minutes

"You good." I hear to my right.

When I look over, I see a girl, about my height, probably a year older.

"Your the girl Jason's all goo-goo eyes for." She says kind of angrily.

"You must be Jemma."

"One and only." She sasses.

"I don't want trouble."

"Then leave him alone."

"I can't do that," I smile a little on the inside.

That's true, I can't. We have a binding contract. But I also don't want to.

The bell rings and I stand up, but she pulls on the back of my shirt.

"Bitch you better let go," I say through my teeth.

She lets go and I start walking out of the room when she rips my bag off my back.

I spin around with it, avoiding getting hurt by the pull.

She swings her fist but I duck, then punch her in the stomach.

"BITCH!" She stumbles back, out of breath.

I hear footsteps behind me, but If I look, I'm going to be out cold.

She charges at me, but I duck enough to be able to throw her and flip onto her back, but she jumps up quickly.

I roll my eyes and get my hand on the handle of my knife.

When she tries to smack me I pull out the knife and pin her against the wall.

"Vicki?" I hear Jason.

I look over and see him in the doorway.

Michael is up against the corner.

"Shit," I mumble.

"Let her go Vick," Michael walks up and pits his arm on the one that is holding the knife.

"Just leave me alone. Okay. I don't want to hurt you if I don't have to." I lower my knife and turn to grab my bag.

I walk out with Jason, his hand on my back, under my bag.

"I'm sorry about her. I honestly don't know what her issue is." He smiles.

"It's good. Good practice." I smile back.

We talk about the rest of our days as we walk to our cars.

I get to my car and hop in and follow Jason and Taylor to his house.

We park in his large garage and I go grab my training clothes to change.

Once I'm changed and my hair is up I head to the gym.

Jason and I do our dance as always. Physical, projectile, blade. An hour later, I shower. I look at the clock in the guest room that reads 6:15.

I have an hour to beat before I get ready for the party.

I look around for something to do.

I could eat...

No. I don't eat. I don't have to.

Maybe Matty will want to train.

"Matty! Come here!" I call the boy.

He nods and smiles.

"I have news on your dad. He's doing well, likely be out of the hospital in two days. Sunday."

He smiles again and gives me a hug. He still doesn't say much.

"Do you want to train?"

He shakes his head no.

"Jasmine and I are going to a dance," he says softly and quietly.

"Ok." I sigh.

He hops off the stool and goes to get a snack.

Jason walks down the stairs, his hair now wet. He smiles but says nothing.

"Are you going to the party tonight?" I ask as I push a piece of damp hair off my shoulder.

"Yeah." He grabs a bottle of water from the fridge then stands across the counter from me.

"Why didn't you ask me?"

Its been almost two weeks since I found out about the party. I mean, it got postponed until everyone met me. And he still hadn't asked me...

"I didn't want to do that to you." He sips his water.

"But," I search for a good response, "but I already am doing that."

"You're the one who said you didn't know when the end is. The less I'm with you, the less it'll hurt when you choose him."

"Who says I was going to choose him?"

"I can just feel it. Look," he reaches across the table, "we can train, we can help the boy, I will be your ally. But I can't look at you and not want to kiss you. If you're going to choose him, just do it. It will all work out in the end." I can hear the sadness in his voice as he smiles and walks off.

"But-" I start, but he's already gone.

I would've said yes.

And! Its that time to say hello again

Its a little obvious I suck at this whole love triangle stuff so I'm probably NEVER gonna try that again after this story.

What do you think you will happen at the party?


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