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I smile at her sleeping body in my passenger seat

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I smile at her sleeping body in my passenger seat.

She barely got in the car before passing out. I think the events of the night really took it out of her.

I try to cough quietly to avoid waking her, but fail to do so when we're most of the way home.

"Mm, sorry. I was more tired than I thought."

"You just lost your sister. I don't blame you."

She sits silently, minus the coughing, for the rest of the ride.

She wraps herself in her jacket and I catch a little sparkle on her finger.

She still wore it. Even after everything I said. The ring.

I pull into my garage and walk in quietly, expecting Jasmine to be asleep, along with Matty. But when we walk in, we're both met with agressive hugs that nearly knock up off our feet.

"Are you okay?" Jasmine asks, still wrapped around my legs.

"Yes. But I feel a little sticky and gross. I want to shower."

She looks up at me, "why is there blood on your face?"

"Thats not for you to worry about right now. You'll know tomorrow."

"I'm going to go shower." A sleepy Vicki pipes before she moves on.

I do the same, this is like my third shower today.

I can feel the blood of my friends stripping off of me and into the drain. I can feel the dripping down my cheeks, but can't tell if its tears or water.

Once I'm done with my shower, I dress and go to Vicki's room.

I slowly open the door, "I'm decent."

I walk in fully to see her in her robe, and her hair wrapped up in a towel.

"What?" She smiles, weakly and fake, and sits on the bed.

"I just, I felt like you might need a friend," I smile and sit next to her on the bed.

After a few silent minutes, she just rests her head on my shoulder.

"Can I stay here tonight? I don't want to go home and not have her there," she stares at the wall.

"Yeah. I can go get some sheets from the dryer, get the-"

"I dont want to stay in here. This is where the boy stays anyways."

"The couch isn't that comfortable-"

"No silly," she stands up and takes my hand, "I want to stay with you. I need you."

I smile. "Then let me tidy up, my room some I guess."

I go to leave when I feel a hand wrap around my wrist. "I love you, Jason of Apollo."

I turn and smile, "I love you too, Vicki of Zeus."

Aww, cute.

I mean...

Ewe egh. Gross. blah.

I'm kidding. I thought it was cute.

Sorry for short fill.in chaoters lately...

Who here is a... Uh.... Jacki... Vicson? Jackson+ Vicki Shipper?

Is there any Um... Micki?... Vickael? Michael+ Vicki shippers?

Ok. Well. See you next time!

Love you!


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