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Sorry for a short one

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Sorry for a short one.

Something feels off today. It hasn't been for the last few days. I can feel Vicki pulling away. I know she still loves me, she's just having a hard time.

At least I hope thats what that it is.

She smiles to me as she walks off with Michael.

I try to control this situation. I know she missed Michael so I want her to have time with him, but if this get a too far out of hand, I'm going to have go call him.

Everyone seems to what to do so I go sit down for a minute over by where Vicki was sitting when I got there. As I sit down, I see a phone on the bench with me. When I turn it on, I see a very familiar picture.

Just before the fight, she took a picture. Me on the left, her in the middle, Michael on the right.

Its Vicki's phone.

I think nothing of it and put it in my back pocket.

When Margret falls while helping Karen with the streamers off of an 8 foot ladder, I decide I've got to call Michael.

After a few rings he finally picks up.


"Shits going down. I need you back here now," I say over Margret screaming in the background.

"Uh, yeah. Can you handle another fifteen?"

"I think so. But hurry anyways," I hang up and call for a doctor.

"Everyone step back. We will take care of this. You," he points to me, "go get the lift from the garage."

I nod and send off one of the more qualified users to get it.

When Vicki and Michael get back Michael takes back over and Vicki goes to get ready to go meet with her dad to see the dress.

"I love you," she kisses me, "and I'll see you later," she runs off.

I go to my new room to set it up when my back pocket buzzes.

I grab it and find Vicki's phone lit up. I must have forgotten tongive it back when she got back.

It's from Michael.

Michael- I had fun tonight.

I decide to play along. What harm could this do?

Me- me too. I've missed you.
Michael- I know, you've been telling me all week.
Me- I'm sorry.
Michael- what's to be sorry about?

I don't answer anf read back on some of the text messages.

She tells him she misses him a lot. She didn't tell me she missed me when I went home for a weekend to pack up and move Mama and Jazy.

Its nothing, I tell myself. What could this possibly mean.

Michael- ???
Me- oh sorry. Uh. Got distracted.
Michael- stop being sorry for existing ;)

Did he just send a week for my girl.

Michael- hey. Aren't you supposed to be getting your dress fitted?


Me- uh yeah. Its kind of boring but I gotta go. Ttyl.

That doesn't sound like her. Fuck.

The next thing I know I'm getting a call from Klaus.

"Hello?" I answer her phone.

"Oh thank god you have my phone. I thought I left it back in the city," Vicki sounds relieved.

"Oh, yeah. I have it. I'll give it to you when you get back."

"Well," the door opens, "I'm back." She smile.

She hangs up and givez me a hug.

"Thanks," she says.

I smile again nervously as she hands Klaus his phone back and he leaves.

"What. I didn't text you?" She looks down at her phone.

"I'm sure it was a text for someone else."

"Yeah, probably. Do you want to come see the dress?" She sways a little.

"No. I want a surprise," I smile.

"Okay. Well I have to go back and get fitted. I'll see you later," she smiles and leans in and kisses me.

I sigh as she goes off.

The more I think, the more I realize.

What does Michael know? I burned the file.

He told her he loved her. She says it back. Every time.

I'm supposed to love her. She's supposed to be mine.

Only mine.

Taylor was the only one who knew everything. But she died. She couldn't have told him.

She didn't have time.

Unless she did.

What would that mean for Vicki?

What does that mean for me?


Hey guys.

Hows it been?

What will happen between Jason and Vicki?

Do you feel a plot twist coming?

Lmk your theories here ->

Love you!


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