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"You ready?" I ask taking a swig of vodka

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"You ready?" I ask taking a swig of vodka.

She steps out of the house with her bow and quiver on her back.

"I think so," she pulls the bow off, "as long as you're sober."

I laugha little. Of course I'm sober. "Why hadn't Jason taught you archery?"

"I guess he's not that old school," she answers in more of a question.

"What? He's one of the best archers known to the world."


"Assasinaited a strong leader with it," I nod.

"Well. That's good. I needed more archers for the plan to work."

"We all prefer guns, but we also have specialties. Surprisingly, they mostly line up with the gods our gangs are named after."

"Alright. Well. Lets get started," she smiles.

Her smile melts my heart every time. I haven't stopped loving her. And I haven't stopped trying.

This isn't over yet

I give her a gift everyday. Normally small. Sometimes food, or drink. But I do it everyday.

"Alright," I smile back.

I walk her over to the warehouse archery range. When we get in I set up the few little things then help her.

"I can't believe you guys still use bow and arrows. When you told me you were archers I thought you were talking crossbows."

"Hank and Winter use crossbows but they take a lot more upkeep then you'd think. Alright. Left foot slightly forward," I push that foot with mine.

"Now knock your arrow," I hand her one. "Good."

She gets into the proper stance.

I push up her elbow and walk around to check her stance.

"Aim, pull, release," I nod.

In seconds she releases the arrow and it hits the wall just abouve the target.

"Shit," she shakes her hand out.

"That's alright. Most people don't even get that close to the target on the first try."

"Okay." She sighs.

She sets back up and goes again.

This time she hits the target pretty hard.

"You'll make someone bleed."

"Thats not death."

My eyes widen at that as she goes again. This time she hits the red dot, right in the center.

"You're going to kill someone," I smile a little at her sinister smile.

She continues shooting, until she runs out of arrows in her quiver.

"I think you're damn good," I reassure her as I stare at the arrows that are all in the same 2 inch radius.

"I'm hungry. Do you want some lunch?" She hands me the bow.

"You're eating again?"

"After Taylor died, I started eating more."

"Alright then," I smile at the thought of watching her eat.

That sounds really weird...

We head to the next wearhouse over and get my moter cycle and her helmet.

I love it when she rides with me. I love the feeling of her clinging on to me. But maybe I should teach her to ride some time.

I smile at that thought. Damn, she would look so good on her own bike.

Once we get to the diner, she hops off and waits for me.

"Winter hasn't actually briefed me on the plan yet," I mention as we sit down.

"Well. There are 6 groups, 4 waves. Wave one, melee attacks. The Athenians and members of posieden will go in first. They have some of the larger numbers," she pauses when the waitress takes our orders.

"After the signal is sent, the guns go in. Dionysus and a few bandits go in. Then the archers go in. You guys and Apollo. Then, the leaders that I've invited and whats left if Zeus and the bandits storm in with me. Pretty simple," she smiles as her phone goes off.

"Am I invited to stay with you?" I ask when she pits her phone back down.

"I asked Winter if I could, she said she needed everyone she could get," she smiles at the waitress as she sets down our stuff.

"Oh. Alright," I sigh a little.

"What have you been up to?" She starts eating her salad

"Nothing. Nothing at all."

"Really? Thought you'd be having a new girl over every night and parties," she smiles kind of shyly, "Now that you're not going out for me," she says really quietly.

"There's only one girl I want to see over every night," I smile before I take a bite from my sandwich.

She looks up and sets down her fork down.

"I'm sorry..." I apologize at her worried look.

"No. Its okay. Its just-" she stops and continues eating.

"Just what?"

"Do you want dessert?" The waitress walks up.

"Not yet," we say simultaneously. As she walks away we laugh.

"I still love you, and I'll never stop loving you," I say quietly.

"You don't know do you?"

"Know what?" I ask honestly terrified that she's already married.

"I'm promised to Jason. And he kind of proposed on our way to the meeting the other day."

My heart stops.

She's happy. But she isn't mine.

"Oh," I look every where but at her.

"Michael, I'm sorry I-"

"Its okay. I just. Give me a minute," my eyes burn.

I make my way to the bathroom and shut the door.

I feel tears stroll down my cheek.

I haven't felt like this for anyone. Ever.

She has no idea what the truth is.

She's supposed to be mine too.

After a few minutes of gathering myself, I wipe the tears away.

I told myself I would love her, and I wouldn't stop trying, but I wouldn't break them up if she was happy.

And shes happy.

Just because she can't be mine does not mean I have to stop loving her, stop fighting for her.

I know what I will do tomorrow.

I will fight, kill, love.

All for her

I think I felt my heart crack writing this...

I'm going to be honest, I love Michael. He's got a lot of baggage but he knows how to treat a woman.

Well. I hope you liked it.

Who will die at the fight? Guess we'll find out soon!

Love you!


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