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I wake up a feel for Jason, as I do every morning, and feel no one there again. But I do feel a pounding headache. I think I drank too much last night...

I lift the covers and head to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my hair. I feel a familiar yet disgusting feeling in my stomach, but I fortunately am able to make it to the toilet before I let it rip.

I wash my face again then go back to the main room and find Michael sitting on the bed with some food next to him.

I smile and go sit.

"Eat up, you had a rough night, and judging by those sounds I heard, you need to fill up again."

"Thanks for waiting until I fell asleep to leave," I smile as I do into the yogurt.

"Oh, I slept here like you asked. I just got up early," he admits.

"Well, thanks for staying then."

"Do you remember much from last night?" He lays back.

"I remember almost all of it I think. I remember talking to Jason, telling him I couldn't do this. I tslked to Ari, and yet I was still an idiot. And I remember you cutting me off. Am I missing anything?"

"Other than you hitting on me, no."

"What!? That didn't happen!"

"Uh, cha," he laughs. "You offered me something and I said I was fine. You said you knew that! You also told me you wanted to love me, but I refused."

"Surprised. Thought the sadistic Michael of Artemis would have taken advangtage of me in that state. Maybe even bought me more," I joke. "No, but for real, thank you for being the one to put up with drunk me."

"I am sadistic, aren't I?" He smiles.

"I knew that would be what you got stuck on," I laugh and steal his beanie and put it on myself.

"Hey!" He tries to fight, but I keep it any way.

"Think I might keep it. Looks good on me, wouldn't you agree?" I tugg on it just a little.

"It does look cute. I might let you keep it."

"Might? I'm keeping it weather you want me to or not," I laugh and jump out of bed.

He chases me around the room for a few minutes until Andrew walks in.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'll come back lat-"

"No, its okay. Whats up?"

"You need to change your bandages and get another x-ray to see what has healed so far."

"Let me put some clothes on and I'll meet you in the infirmary," I smile and he leaves.

"I guess I'll go then. But I'm getting my hat back," he swears and leaves.

I throw on a tube top and some comfy shorts and leave the beanir on and I jog over to the infirmary.

After the X-ray, Andrew tells me I'm healing at a supernatural rate.

When I leave I bump into Jason.

"Hey," I smile.

"Nice hat," he points out.

"Thanks," I smile, "How are you doing?"

"I'm alright. Still taking everything in," he sighs.

"I'm sorry for everything. Maybe we just need to take a break? Figure out if we really want this?"

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