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"NO!" I scream

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"NO!" I scream.

I watch as the one person who truly knows me falls.

I scramble over to Jason, "YOU MONSTER!" I cry.

"Funny, thats what my brother said when I killed his wife," he laughs so evily.

"Jason, please listen, please stay here I can't loose you too," I hold his head to my chest.

"I heard you scream and, oh fuck," my dad comes in and looks me in the eye.

"Daddy," I cry as he looks at my uncle.

"You're going to die Jack," he balls his hands up into fists and takes a step towards jack.

"Just stay here okay? Just stay here. I won't tell you I love you if you don't. Just stay. I will do so much more then say I love you. Just stay," I whisper as I lay his head down gently.

I jump up as my dad takes his first swing, I which is blocked.

"Dad! Send him my way," I call.

He sends a kick to Jack's stomach, making him stumble my. I then kick him in the side, sending him towards the door. Klaus comes swooping in with a sweeping foot, knocking Jack off his feet.

I grab the collar of his shirt and stand him up. I push him against the wall just by the door.

"Why don't we go show your men that you just got beat by your sixteen year-old neice," I smile and push him out the door.

"You're a whore, just like your mother," he grumbles with blood flowing out his nose.

I slap him across the cheek. "You don't talk about my mom like that," I knee him in the croch and he tries to fall to his knees, but the adrenaline flowing through me has given me the strength to keep his five foot ten and damn near two hundred and fifty pound body up. "She was a good woman and you know that. You killed her, leaving me motherless. You killed my brother too. Remember that? You also got my adopted sister killed, but you couldn't even do it yourself. You just shot my fucking boyfriend," I send a wicked uppercut his way but he somehow finds the strength to block me and send me to the ground.

"Stupid little girl," he kicks me in the ribs and laughs. He keeps kicking me, I can feel a few crack at the force. I watch the fight stop as everyone watches, but all my men know that I need to be the one to kill him, so they all just stand and watch. Even my dad.

"Just leave her alone Jack. Just leave it all alone. You win," he sighs but his hand is behind his back, and his fingers...

Hes lieing.

He's lieing to save me, even though he knows it will kill him.

But Jack stops kicking.

I know I have at least two broken ribs, but a leader does what they must for her people.

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