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I wake up in an empty classroom

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I wake up in an empty classroom.

"What... What happened?" I sit up and see Jason sitting next to me.

Jason pulls out his phone, types something real fast, then puts it away.

Michael stands there, completely still, probably shocked.

"I think you had a PTSD episode," Jason walks up to me and then brushes my hair behind my ear.

I sit up. "I didn't think it was real."

"Maybe it wasn't."

"You were there. And so was my dad. You got shot. He gave me this. Told me when a car showed up I would know it was time to rise. What does that even mean?" I ask.

"Let me see your necklace." He asks as he steps closer.

I lift it up off my chest and show it to him.

"I'm the bullet... I was there when this was made. I was there when he gave this to his daughter."

"What?" I rub my eyes, and jump off the table.

"You're the one the rumor is about. You're the child that escaped. I helped you escape."

"Are my meds really for all they say they are? Or are they to make me forget?"

"How often does that happen?" He asks, grabbing my hands in the process.

"Maybe once every few months. But not like that... I- I didn't take them last night. You kept telling me to, but I didn't. I forgot. I was so occupied with Jasmine I forgot."

"They are making you forget. If it only happens when you don't take them, they make you forget..."

"Why would I need to forget?"

"Once the car showed up, you were supposed to stop. But you didn't. Were you supposed to end up in the system?"

"She was supposed to come straight to me." Taylor walks in. "But she didn't. something got messed up with the papers. She got sent off to some home on the other side of the state."

She then, unexpectedly, throws a punch, but I deflect it, do a spin move, then throw her over my shoulder.

"Oh my fucking god. I am so damn sorry. I don't even know why I did that."

"It's your training." She says with no wind in her lungs.

Jason starts laughing.

"What's so funny."

"When you were seven and eight, we trained together. Every day you did that to me." He laughed.

Once Taylor gets some oxygen in her lungs, she hops up. "I suspected it was you when I saw the car, but I wasn't sure. I switched your meds for sugar pills last weekend. "

"Seriously. By the way that's what happened on Monday. I had a headache because of the stupid sugar pills making things, happen..."

"Oh." He smiles awkwardly.

"So you made me do that? Do you understand what that felt like?"

"Yeah. I do Vicki. I need you to stop taking them now. We need you to remember. We need you to lead once more."

"What do you remember," Jason asks

"I'm the bullet..." I say aloud

"What?" Taylor says

"I'm the bullet. My dad's says he only needs one bullet. I'm the bullet. He only needs one heir to win. I'm the heir. I'm the bullet." I reason

"I knew that necklace had more meaning," Jason says.

"And you. You were my best friend. Since I was six, and you were seven. You gave me my favorite shirt and jacket at the time. I still have them." I turn to Jason.

"And you. You're in the inner gang of Apollo. I remember that now. You were with Ariana when you were 10. You knew you loved each other even then. And you call her your best friend, but shes really your girlfriend." I explain.

Why am I remembering this stuff?

Why is it coming back so fast?

Why does it feel like it was yesterday?

I don't understand. "My dad died though. I watched it. When I was running away with you. They blew him up."

"He did die. At least as far as we know." Taylor says, a bit of sadness in her eyes.

"Then why'd the car show up?" I query.

"A trusted ally." She answers

"That handwriting was my dad's though. I remember that now."

"Its very unlikely he survived. He likely wrote the note ahead of time." She rebuffs.

"I guess so." I sigh.

I miss my dad. I miss everything he used to do for me. But that's gone now. And I'm never getting it back

"Was there a promise? Was I promised to another gang for a merge?" I ask, honestly concerned.

"Yes. But that's not a worry now. You need to take back the leadership first."

"How do I do that though? How would that be possible."

"In two months time. You start training today with Jason. In a week, you will meet with four gangs and a group of well-known bandits as allies. In two weeks, those in Zeus who still oppose the current leaders will meet with you and gather all those they can. But only if they know they can trust you.

"In a month, we bring all allies together, discuss a plan. In six weeks, you prove your worth to those who follow. In two months, its war."

"That seems like a lot in a little time..."

"It will be tough work. But you can do it. Anyway, my bathroom break is over. I gotta go. Remember we're shopping later before you go to dinner." She says, hugging me, and completely changing who she is all of the sudden.

Once everyone is done talking, Michael hugs me, then leaves.

Were those tears in his eyes?

"I'm the bullet..." I think one last time.

I'm the bullet.


So... Yeah...

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