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Shes absolutely beautiful

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Shes absolutely beautiful. There is no other way to describe it.

But I can't get over it. She has the same name. Shes the right age. Everything adds up.

Her smile lights up a room. The way she talks makes you smile. The way she walks tells you she could own the world if she wanted.

But it can't be her.

"You wanna get out of here? Let me take you around town?"

"Yeah, yeah." She smiles after a moment of staring off into space.

I smile at her then grab my wallet to leave a more than generous tip.

She gets in my car. I want to kiss her. Be a gentleman. If a lady wants you to kiss her, she'll make it known. Mama said.

So I don't kiss her, I fight against it with everything I have just so my mother would be proud. I put the key in the ignition and twist and start driving her around town.

"That's the movie theater and the town daycare..." She seems preoccupied with something else.

"Are you OK?" I ask

"Huh? Oh, I'm fine. I'm just feeling overwhelmed I guess." She shrugs her shoulders.

"Do you want to go home?" I ask her.

She thinks about it for a minute. "Not really. But I don't really feel good either... I think I took my meds too early. Or I need to eat something." She admits. She seems like she's not saying something important. But I decide that its better not to pry.

"That's ok. I can get you something on our way back." I offer.

"That would be nice. Is there a Subway around here?"

"Yeah. Is that what you want."

She nods, then sinks back into her previous state and blankly stares out a window.

I leave her be until we get to the nearest subway.

Once there, I let her order her meatball marinara and I pay for her meal, mama would be proud, I tell myself.

We head back to my car and I take her home.

I walk her to the door before she says anything else. "Thank you. I'm sorry I checked out. Maybe we could do this again tomorrow. I'll eat before I take my meds." She smiles.

"Sure. Um, I have to watch my sister after school though, would it be cool if she tagged along?"

"That's fine, I love kids." She smiles then walks inside.

Mama would definitely like her.

I smile to myself before heading home.

Once I get home, I'm meet with a big hug that nearly knocks me over and a smile from my mom.

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