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The next few weeks went by pretty slowly

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The next few weeks went by pretty slowly.

The turn out for the meeting with the inners of Zeus was quite big. I got all the signatures.

I've met with the bandits of Athens a few more times.

Matty got to go home.

The funerals... I don't want to remember much about it.

It's week five. I meet with all my allies, discuss the plan for the fight this week.

I don't know how I'm going to do it with out Taylor.

The same way you have been. One step at a time.
I tell myself.

Jason meets me in the family room, while I'm surrounded my the kids.

"It's time to train Vicki." I jump up and go change to my training clothes.

The shorts are starting to fit tighter again, and my shirts don't hang off of me so badly anymore.

"You've been eating a little more in the last two weeks," Jason smiles as he straps his boxing gloves.

I smile back, "I don't know why I ever stopped. Food is amazing," I laugh little.

"Agreed," he gets into his boxing stance.

We circle around each other, eyes locked. "I dont think you can beat me this time," he smirks.

"I think you'd be wrong," we take a few steps towards each other.

"I think I really have been too easy on you," he throws a punch at me, I duck and he misses.

"Really? Because that didnt show it," I slide my foot behind him, when my foot makes contact with his ankle he stumbles back and looses a glove, but stays standing.

I come back to a standing position as he jumps on me, causing me to topple over like a janga puzzle and loose both my gloves.

Those weren't on very well...

Now over me, Jason looks me in the eyes, an unbreakable contact. He gets closer, "gotcha," he whispers.

"Never get distracted," I roll us over so I'm on top now. I jump off and he stands up.

I bring my foot to his waist, and he grumbles in frustration. He grabs my arm and twists it behind me. I yelp like a little dog.

With my free hand, I grab the hand holding mine an twist it opposote directions of the way he has my arm twisted. Once my hand is free, I turn around and pin him against a wall.

"Okay, okay. You win," he scoffs.

"That's what I thought."

"So much for boxing," he looks at the gloves scattered among the room.

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