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I look over the two bodies before Ariana loads them up

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I look over the two bodies before Ariana loads them up.

As if Vicki needed to loose anymore.

Once she has the four wheeler started, she drives off, we all stare at eachother in horror when we hear one last shot ring.

In the split second from when the bullet leaves it's chamber to when it hits, a person can think of a lot. My entire life flashes before my eyes. Everything from when my parents died to now.

I also think about Vicki. I was never promised to her, and I knew she would choose him. Or at least that's what I thought. I had a little hope. Until Taylor told me everything.

It feels like forever before the bullet finally chooses its victim.

I collapse to the ground when I feel it tear through my side. It feels like how I imagined it. Just like the targets feel.

I can see Winter pull out her diamond encrusted 50 cal' hand gun and shoot the mother fucker.

I feel for the hole in my side. This surprisingly doesn't hurt very much, I expected there to be lingering pain. When I find it, I realize it isn't a hole. The bullet ripped a pretty good sized gash down my side. The force caused me to topple over.

"You have a flare for the dramatic," Vicki laughs and helps me up.

"Like you care," I smile and kiss her forehead.

"Look, I might not of chosen you. But... You're still my best friend. Okay?" I smile at the comment

I knew she wouldnt leave me behind.

"Let's get everyone home alright?" I call.

I'm still bleeding prefusly, but my adrenaline is pumping and I can almost feel nothing.

I walk over to the group of people staring at something on the ground. They lost someone too.

"Hey you guys. Why don't you get out of here. Take your friends body. Don't want to stay around much longer with this fire." They're all coughing more than they probably know, I have to imagine its the same for us.

I help them load their friend into their Excursion and they drive off.

The house continues to collapse across the street as many people watch from the safety of their car. Their A/C on blast

"Michael!" I hear Vicki.

I turn to her, and for a moment, it doesn't hurt so much that she didn't choose me.

"We're going to Jason's want to meet us there to help us plan funerals?"

"Yeah. After I get this stitched and bandaged."

A smile appears on her face covered in blood and dirt. She waves as she gets into the mustang GT.

"Your an idiot to let her go." Winter comments from behind.

"I know." I smile and get into the Ford F150.

I ignore the pain as I think about her.

I knew she would never leave me behind. But I still love her.

And now I know I had a chance if that were to be the case.

I won't stop going after her, but I refuse to break them up if she's happy.

I wish she was happy with me...

So this one was uber short BUT...

It was kind of adorable.

I still feel Like an evil queen for killing Taylor.

See you later! Bye!

Love ya!


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