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I smile as they run off

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I smile as they run off.

She kissed me.

I walk off in the opposite direction, deciding I wanted to get her something.

I'm walking around to the clothing section, seeing if I can find her a jacket she'd like or something when I accidentally run I to someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry, wait..." I look at her, "I'm not sorry." I growl at the devil herself.

"Oh come on." She says, looking at the Starbucks drink spilled on her dress.

I laugh. "Looks nice on you," I smirk.

"That girl you came in here with looks good on you." She says.

"Not something I thought I'd ever hear you say."

"Oh, I meant the little one. Looks good on you, makes you look like... Less... Of a perv."

"Bitch, don't you dare disrespect either of them. And don't ever say anything like that about Jasmine."

"That's Jazy?" she looks off into the direction they ran off in, "She's gotten so big."

"Well, she's eight now. Been a while since you last saw her."

"We can change that." She wraps her arms around me.

I throw them off, "No. I like Vicki. And if you don't remember, you cheated on me. "

"You really do like her," she gets off of me, "Fine. I'll just go pay her a visit." She says then prances off, I mean basic bitch walks off in the direction they went in.

I roll my eyes.

She just won't leave me alone.

"Stop. Don't touch her." I put my hand on her shoulder.

"She kissed you. She gets a visit. Simple," she rips her shoulder from my hand.

"How about you calm your ass down. You're not my girlfriend, you don't get to give the girls I like 'visits'. If you don't calm down and leave, I will not hesitate to smack you."

"You really like her. Fine. She'll get a visit eventually when you're not here to protect her," she looks me up and and down with her beady rat eyes then heads off in the direction of the register.

I sigh and go back to find a jacket or something.

When I find nothing I head back to the jewelry section to see if I can find something there.
After searching for a while I find a ring. Its a Simi colon ring with a real diamond as the dot.

I get and immediately pay for it so she doesn't see it later.

Jasmine runs up behind me once I'm done paying.

"She got what she wanted. And she already bought it, so now I just have to get my necklace for mama and we can go home."

"Ok, here give it to me."

I put the necklace on the counter and pay for it when she isn't looking.

We all head to my car afterward and Jazy crawls in.
I take the ring out of my pocket and give it to her.

"Only two days and you're asking me to marry you" she laughs.

"I just thought you'd like it."

"I do. I won't take it off." She says as she plays with her necklace.

I slip it on her right-hand middle finger.

"Here, we got you this," she pulls out a blue leather jacket and hands it to me, then pulls out another and opens the door to give it to Jazy.

"They're matching." She says as she pulls out one more for the bag and slips it on.

"Aww, that's adorable," I say before giving her a hug.

Before she fully pulls away, she kisses me, quickly and softly.

"You guys are gross. Get in." Jasmine laughs.

We get in and Vicki takes a selfie with all three of us and sends it to Taylor.

"Were you talking to the devil?" Jasmine suddenly asks.

"Um, yeah. I ran into her when I was looking for a jacket for Vicki."

"You didn't get her one though." She says.

"Nope. He got me this." Vicki shows her.

"That's priiiiiiittttteeeee," she says.

"Are you gonna wrap your present for mama?" I turn and look at jasmine before pulling out of my parking spot.

"I don't think so. Think I'll just put it in her room with a note before I go to bed tonight." She shrugs.

"It's sweet how much you love your mom," Vicki says.

"She's done a lot for us. More than most will ever understand. When our dad died, she went through a lot. Abusive relationships followed. But she wasn't afraid to hurt somebody for us. She... She did things for us only we know." I tell her.

"This is the least we can do." Jazy finishes.

"Never had much of a real mom. I don't remember her actually. I had her. But whatever happened to me before makes it hard for me to remember. But I would treat my mom like a queen if I could."

When we get to Vicki's house, she pops a quick peck on my lips and gets out. I can see Taylor at the door.

They run inside and that's the last I see.

"You riiilllllllleeeeeeyyyyy like her." She says

My face heats up. "Yeah, yeah I do."

"I like her ring you got her."

"She liked it too. I like the matching jackets." I laugh.

"She told me not to tell, but she's going to wear hers tomorrow and if you wear yours she's canceling her date with some other kid."

"Guess I better wear it then."

"I don't want her dating anyone else but you Jason. But I don't think she will."

"I hope not," I say as we drive off.


How many of you are from my Insta story? Just wondering.

Love you!

Hope you liked it! I loved this chapter.



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