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"What do you mean a bad promise?" I ask furious

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"What do you mean a bad promise?" I ask furious.

"I mean that the person he parents ORIGINALLY promised her to is here."

"There was another promise?"

"Technically there were three."

"Three? How did I not know this. I'm the leader. Not you."

"I was the outer circle messenger." She shys away.

"So who were the other  candidates?" I calm down and step back.

"You don't want to know."

"Tell me."

"Well. She was promised to four people, 2 straight men, a bisexual male, in case she wanted a polyamouras relationship, and a female, in case that's what she was to prefer," she goes and grabs a file from the liquor cabinet, "promised to Winter of Artemis," she lays out her picture, "Jason of Apollo," she lays down my picture, "Michael of Artemis," she lies down a picture of him with his atupid smug smile, "and Nicky of Hades."

"Hades! They're over a thousand miles away from the Zeus home."

Then it hits me.

I'm not the only one she can have.

But her mother...

That doesn't matter now.

"Wait, which one of them is the no one?" Anna asks.

"Hades is all fruities," Taylor sends me a look that would probably cut my eyes out. "Not that there is anything wrong with that."

"Jason, you go shower, you smell like a truck of shit. Anna-"

"Actually, I smell like that."


"I had to find some way back-"

All of us pause when we hear a bone chilling scream and then a thud onto the floor.

We race up the stairs and in to Vicki's room.

She's have another episode.

"Vicki," I take her arms and sit her up, "what are you seeing whats happening."

"My uncle. He. Gun. Brother. Dead." She screams.

She pushes me off and throws a punch.

"Vicki, its me. I'm here."

She slows down and opens her eyes.

"Daddy!" She yells.

"Vicki," I shake her a little bit.

She looks at me.


"I'm here, its okay."

"My uncle he-"she stops herself.


"Nothing. I don't remember."

"Whats the last thing you remember?"

"I was putting my shirt on."

"Are you okay now?" I help her off the floor.

"Uh. Yeah. I think so."

"Is everything good? My shift just finished and I was headed over for training when I heard gun shots," Matt steps in.

"Um. I'm fine. We're all good." Vicki nods, leaning all her weight on me.

"What happened?" He looks to Taylor.

"Hit on the house, and Taylor had a PTSD episodes."

"Alright, imma grab my stuff and go then," he nods and leaves.

"I have to check on ari," Taylor leaves.

And we're all alone.

For about 2 seconds.

"Jason?" Jasmine walks in slowly.

"Yeah jazy?"

"Is everything okat now?"

"Yeah. The bad guys are gone, you did good."

"I want to train more, I don't like hiding. And mama never trained. Mama was an outsider. I gave to protect her."

"Jazy, we've gone over this."

"No! I want to train! I can't keep hiding!"

"Seems like a good reason to train," Vicki smiles and looks to Jazy.

After a minute she looks back at me with a less happy look.

"She agrees! And you should always listen to your girlfriend!"

Vicki and I look at each other and hold in an awkward laugh.

"Uh," I clear my throat, "I'll start training you every third day."

I see Vicki look at her and wink.

"Hey!" I laugh a little

"She says she'll train me the days you don't!"

"Fine! Ill train you daily," I roll my eyes.

"Yay! Okay! Bye!" She waves and skips away.

"Really?" I turn to Vicki.

"What? I can't deny a little girl her right to train, she is next in line for a leadership. And you have to listen to me huh?"

"Yeah. I guess. Just... Just let me be the big sibling. Okay?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry."

"Its okay," I give her a hug.

"Alright Mr. Boyfriend," she pushes me a little, in a joking sense, yet my heart jumps for joy and crumbles at the same time.

"Yes?" I fight the light lump in my throat.

"Leave so I can finish getting ready," she smiles and gives me an awkward side hug before shooing me outbthe door.

I walk down the stairs and pass the picture of Michael, and then I pause.

He didn't know he was a candidate for a promise, but, she was always his. But I was never supposed to know. Most of us were never supposed to know.

But now he'll never know.

I take his file to the cellar and find a small metal trash can. I search for a lighter, I know theres one down here, this is where Taylor and Ari come to smoke at night. I finally find one on the shelf a few steps down. I grab some whiskey off of the shelf closest to the trash can, this was dad's favorite whiskey. There's still a full shelf of it. Never mind that now.

I pour it on the file and light the lighter. Once I see the fire transfer I throw it in the trash can and lean against the wall until its completely died down.

He will never know.


Jealous much?

I finally got a chapter out and I honestly am very happy with it. Writers block finally faded away.

I love you guys!


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