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"Michael luv

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"Michael luv. We need to go. We're meeting with the heir today."

We still had no idea who this person was. Just that the rumors are true, and we need to protect them.

We may have no name, but I know who I'm about to come face to face with.

We're meeting today, too, hopefully, become allies.

I slip on my shoes and run out. We hop on our motorcycles and head to Jason's house.

I don't have anything against the guy. He's just... Annoying. Honestly. He gets probably 80% of the girls he wants, he always so nice to everyone but us, and I'm not even sure what we did to deserve all this.

But it doesn't matter now. We get along, or we die.

We get there and Taylor leads us to the study room. I don't even look to see who it is until we're all seated. But I know the smile on about to see.

When I look up, I see Vicki.

"You're the heir."

"Yes." She says.

"I want to know for sure. What was the date that ended the war?" Winter leans in from our side of the conference table.

"September seventeenth, two-thousand twelve." She says with a quickness.

"Time?" Winter questions further.

"I ran away at nine twenty-three and seventeen seconds." She replies, once again very quickly.

"Who was the one that helped you run?"

"There were three. Taylor of Apollo, eleven at the time, a trusted ally whose name was Bob," we all have to keep ourselves from laughing, but his name was literally bob, "twenty-three at the time. And Winter of Artemis, eleven, but nearly 12 at the time." She was right. Everything she said was right.

I just went to dinner with her last night, how is this possible?

"I need allies. You're said to be the second most powerful gang in the country, arguably the world-"

"Luv, let me stop you there. There is no need to explain yourself. I've wanted to retaliate since the second the war started. They're now restricting travel, and my family lives across the Atlantic ocean. We will stand with you without hesitation, on the condition you will open travel."

"Of course." She smiles still keeping her eyes on my leader.

She grabs some papers and puts them on the table.

"I will need a signature from all four of you signifying everything I've said and vice versa."

Winter quickly gets up and signs, I'm after and the other two sign last.

"Why hadn't you told me?" I ask her when everything is all done.

"It was for the best." She says.

"Last week you didn't believe me. Now you are the rumor. I don't understand."

"I didn't remember until I had an episode last week. My most recent one... Are you hungry? Want to go for lunch?" She asks.

I smile and nod.

She comes outside with me and puts on her helmet.

We go to a Mom and Pops Mexican restaurant that is arguably the best in town.

"Ok, what's up?" I ask as we sit down.

"Hello, what would you like?" The waitress comes over.

"What do you want?" I ask Vicki.

"I'm not hungry," she smiles, an obviously fake smile.

"Come on. You haven't eaten the last few times we've gone out. Are you alright."

"I'm fine. Alright," she raises her voice a little. "Just not hungry," she quiets down again.

I sit back a little and look back at the waitress. "A ceaser salad will be fine. And a lemonade," I smile.

She smiles back and heads to the kitchen.

"My last episode, I remembered why I got the scar that I have." She shows me a raised scar starting from just below her armpit heading downward, into her pants. "It goes all the way down."

"We heard you tried to punch Jason, but we weren't sure why."

"I was apparently screaming, throwing punches. The current leader, he was determined to kill me, even years before the war. Two years prior, he snuck into my room at night. I had an older brother. I seriously don't remember much about him, but the man killed him. He told me it had to happen. That it was normal. But when he came to me, I fought him. I grabbed my gun from the nightstand and shot him. But it didn't stop him. I fought, as much as I could. But what can an eight-year-old do? I was tiny.

"I'm screaming now. Telling him to get away. I still haven't even seen his face. He gets his knife in my side. I'm still fighting. Screaming and crying. My dad comes running in. 'jack?' My dad asks. When I finally see his face, I know who he is. Michael... The current leader is my uncle. He was always so cruel. My dad shoots him in the back, but he's still walking. He runs out. My mom finds my brother. She's crying, more than even I am, and I have a gash down my side. My dad tends to me. Holds me, ignores the blood spilling on to his night clothes, he tells me I'm ok now. They take me to the infirmary, and that was the end of it.

"If he knows I'm alive. He will kill me. He will stop at nothing to kill me. I'm going to die if I go through with this."

"Not if you-" the waitress brings me my food. For a moment I stare at Vicki awkwardly until the waitress leaves, "not if you kill him first," I tell her.

"My dad used to tell me he tried to drown me and to stay away until he took care of it. But I never listened. He trained me, practically raised me when I was little. I feel like he knows I'm still alive. He'll know I'm coming."

I can tell shes genuinely concerned for her life.

I reach across the table and put my hand on hers. "As long as I'm here, no one will get near you."

Eww. Blah. Gross. Love. Eww.

Actually... Aww.

Any way. Hello. How'd you like this one?

*No, the uncle idea is not copyright. I literally just randomly thought of it and didn't think about the uncle roles in The Golden Girl series. I SWEAR on my life that it was just a random coincidence.*

Well, I hope.you guys enjoyed! Ill see you later.


Love you!


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