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I hear two girls talking not far from me

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I hear two girls talking not far from me. I see one looking through the denim jackets that have camo prints. She has at least 2 bags on her arms.

Once she finds one about her size, she heads over to her friend.

"Who's that?" I hear.

"Second in command of the Artemisians. From what I've heard, he's a player and doesn't care much for other girl's feelings. Don't get involved with any of the Artemisians, they're deadly." Another voice says.

I smile to myself, then make quick eye contact with the girl before heading over.

"Shit!" I hear before I arrive.

"Hello, ladies. What are the two of you doing." I look the beautiful girl up and down, making sure to note every detail in my head.

"Looking to get some nice jackets. You?" She says with a slight smile.

Her friend backhands her right in her lower back, causing her to jolt forward, right into me.

"Well, you two have a nice day. Will I see you at school tomorrow?"

"Yes." She says, then has a look on her face like she regrets it.

I smile at her, taking one last look at her seemingly perfect body.

I head out of the store after finding nothing I want, only to bump into my leader.

"Hello, luv. Find anything?" She asks. Her English accent is barely notable anymore. We've spent so much time together I barely notice it.

"Not yet. I need a drink. And Panda express maybe?"

"Alright. Let's go."

We walk towards the food court, the crowds part like the red sea or some shit.

We get to panda express and everyone in the line scurries away. Once we get our food. We go and sit down and I text our hacker to bring some booze. Its been a few hours since my last drink.

"Who was the lovely lookin' lass you were talking too back there?" She questions.

"I didn't catch her name," I reply.

"Ah, too bad. Its strange though. I feel as if I've seen her before." She comments.

"Honestly, me too. She had to have been much younger, but I've seen her." I smile to myself, imagining a youngling.

"It must be nothing. Shes likely a doppelganger of that girl we think we've seen. " she shrugs then starts to eat.

Once done eating, and I get my fix, we head home.

I speed through the streets and not one car dares stand in my way.

Once we're home, I head to my room.

This isn't a mansion. It's actually just a 4 bedroom house with a relatively large living room and a finished basement we use for meetings.

My room is painted stone gray, with one wall painted with white diamonds.

My bedding is black and gray and my dresser is white, along with my closet and main door.

I sit on my bed and look around. I see the canvas sticking out of my closet and decide I want to paint.

I have nothing in mind but do it anyways.

I stripped my jacket off so that I'm left in my gray t-shirt. I decide I don't want to stain these pants and put on some black joggers. My beanie stays on.

I set up my side table, my easel, and the canvas and start painting.

When I'm done and look at my phone I realize I've been painting for three hours.

I take two steps back and look at it.

I painted her.

I shrug and decided it was just a coincidence but it doesn't just leave my mind.

"Micheal luv. The others are here." I hear Winter call.

I put down my paintbrush and head down.

"Painting?" The driver, Kelsey, asks.

"Yes," I reply as we head to the basement.

"Kelsey, you've said you heard something that could change our fate," Winter says/asks.

"I've heard rumors that the rightful heir to the Zuesian leadership has arrived in this town."

"They died years ago in the civil war. How would that be possible?" Winter asks.

"You've heard the rumors that children made it out alive. We would have never even known."

"Does anyone remember the kids' names?" The hacker asks.

"I'm not sure. We weren't even sure there were several kids. It could have been just one. They would have been what 8, 9 at the time?" I reply.

"A little older. But if this rumor is true, what are we to expect?" Winter asks.

"We prepare for a war, though doubtful. We hope for peace." The hacker states.

"The civil war ended when they thought the bloodline did. If they find out that an heir is still alive, they will stop at absolutely nothing to kill them. " Kelsey pipes in.

"Then we protect them if we find them. Life has been hell since they took over. We're barely surviving with the weapons we have, and they're making it so we can't trade overseas." I argue.

"I agree with Michael my luvs. We need this heir to take over. We need our lives back. We're barely able to travel outside the country. And I'd love to go see my parents at the holidays" Winter helps.

"Then we find them. That means Hank over here needs to do as much digging as he can so we can find them." She glares at the hacker.

"Alright. Go, now. Any information will be printed and sent to me. Their hacker is too good, we don't want this over email." Winter says then walks away.

I follow her and after a few minutes, I realize shes headed to my room to see what I had painted.

She walks in without hesitation.

I walk in after her, prepared to explain.

"You liked her?"

"I guess. I just started painting."

"Why is she holding a gun?" She traces her finver along the pink gun.

"I think I've already found them."

"I don't think so luv. Zeus has always had male leaders-"

"Until they married into Dionysus." I interrupt.

"We lost track of her after two years. We don't know where she is or if shes even still alive," she reasons.

"But what if she is," I point to the painting, "what if she's exactly who we need to take back the leadership. To take back Zeus."

"Enough if this nonsense."

"Its not nonsense and you know it."

"Whatever luv," she looks back at the painting. "It's good. You should give it to her tomorrow," she says, then walks out of the room without another word.


I kind of love this updated version.

Thinking about a major plot twist bit can't decide.

I hope you guys enjoyed.

Love you.


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