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"Hey sis, ya coming for breakfast?" My foster sister calls from the hall

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"Hey sis, ya coming for breakfast?" My foster sister calls from the hall.

"Yeah, one second," I call back as I finally clip my necklace. 

I've been here do about a month and this is the first home I've enjoyed in a while. After jumping around foster homes for a while it's hard to remember what joy is like. Especially after some of them. I couldn't do anything. But now I can. 

Two things have saved me through the last seven absolutely horrible years. My journal, well journals now, and the necklace daddy said would always keep us together.

You know those dog tag necklaces. The one where the dad had the part that says "there is this girl who stole my heart, she calls me daddy" and then the other person had the one that says "daddy's girl."

Well, his said, "I only need one bullet." And mine is the shape of a 9mm and says "I'm the bullet."

But on the back of it, it says "for my world, dad."

I never take it off, not even to sleep. Its the one thing that keeps me sane.

I slip on my cropped, off the shoulder white shirt on, and pull up my high waisted pastel pink, ripped jeans.

I take one last look in the mirror as I place the last bobby pin that's holding my twisted hair crown together.

I head down the stairs to the smell of chocolate chip pancakes on the griddle.

"Ella-" my foster mom turns for a quick glare. "Sorry,"

"Its OK love. If you're still not comfortable with it."

"No, its OK mom. It's in and out. Just gotta be patient." I reassure her.

I've heard the whispers around the house of how the family might adopt me, but I don't think they will. They never do.

"Excited to start school tomorrow?" I nod in response. Something got screwy with the papers, so I haven't gotten to go to school yet

"Yes, ma'am," I reply.

"You gonna go shopping with me today?" Taylor asks.

"Why not. I have nothing much better to do."

"Here you go girls," Ella says placing down plates in front of us.

"Ella, you haven't told her yet, have you? I want to be there."Bryan, my foster dad calls.

"No love," Ella calls as she flips a few more pancakes.

"Okay then. I'm coming," he comes down the stairs, buttoning up his shirt.

"Tell who what?" I question.

"Grab the papers," Bryan nods toward a drawer.

"What papers? I'm so confused," I look at them witha head tilt.

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