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"He was actually pretty nice

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"He was actually pretty nice. He did like talking about the gang life a lot though. Wish I had got to know him, not the gangs."

"Well, at least he was nice. " Taylor says as she fiddles with her phone.

My phone goes off.

Michael- I meant to ask you earlier, but there's a party in a week or so. I wanted to see if you wanted to come.
Me- why not. But I might have plans.
Michael-just lmk okay?

"Who you talking to?"

"He texted me, asked about a party."

"Ari invited me. Its a neutral territory party. Of anything goes wrong, those responsible are penalized pretty heavily."

"Well I guess we shouldn't get into any trouble," I laugh.

After a few minutes of chatting about almost nothing, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and Jason is standing over me.

"Well, enjoy your off. I'll meet you here after school." She says.

She walks off, and Jason sits where there is now an empty seat.

"How was lunch?" He asks.

"Nice. He liked talking about the rumor though. I got kind of frustrated he didn't ask much about me"

"You didnt yell him did you?"

"Of course not"

"After I helped the daughter. I fought alongside the leaders."

"You would have been like 11. How would you have protected her?"

"I was born to be a leader. I was trained from the second I could walk."

"How old was she?"

"Nine I think. I guess she could have been 10. Her birthday was in April I do believe."

"I would have been 10 a little over six years ago. It could have been me."

He gets up. "There's no way," he lifts his shirt, "this is a scar from being shot that day. I watched them take her. I never saw her again."

"Then how do you know she escaped."

"We kept in contact with her for a little while, her dad helped her out. But we lost contact... About the same time I had body parts delivered to me."


Then things start going a little blurry.

I can hear him trying to talk to me, but I hear other things more prominently.

"Where is she! Where is my daughter?" I hear a man.

"She's here, she's safe." I hear a slightly more familiar voice.

I look over to the familiar face.

"Jason?" I try to say, but nothing comes out.

It's like I'm stuck in a dream, nowhere else to go. I can't do anything out of my own free will.

It's like this has all already happened.

I recognize the man that walked in too. "Daddy?" I say. This time for real.

He comes and hugs me. "I'm so happy your safe." He says, still embracing me.


"She, she didn't make it." He tells me.

"Mommy..." I feel a tear roll down my cheek.

This is all so weird. It's like a memory that I wasn't sure was real.

"I know love, I know. But I need you to listen to me carefully, very very carefully. You have to go with Jason. He'll keep you safe. And remember your training. But if anything happens, this is for you." He hands me a chain, and on the end of it...

"I'm the bullet." I read out loud.

"Come now," Jason says, pulling me along.

The next thing I know, we're in a room, he's at the door. I'm holding a gun.

But I'm scared. And when I hear gunshots, I swear I'm dead. That I would have nothing left.

But then I'm taken.

But then all three men go down, loud thuds follow

"One day my daughter, you will rise and lead. But for now, I need you to go. And on your 16th birthday, when a pink car shows up, you will know it is your time."

The next thing I remember is waking up in a hospital, scared, and alone.

So little words. So much meaning.


So this was a heavy chapter. But I think that its been kind of obvious. But this isn't the end. Hell, it's hardly the beginning.

I promise I'll get lighter soon. But for now.

Also, from this point on, if you read the story before. Expect nothing and everything. Everything you know changes from here on out.

Love you guys!


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