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"I sorry, my brother died eight years ago

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"I sorry, my brother died eight years ago. And I didnt know him that well."

"Dad knew uncle jack was going to kill me that night, he used a decoy. He didn't even tell mom. That night he asked me what I wanted to do when I grow up and I said doctor. He sent me off to a special school and I became a doctor. I hadn't come back until this year. Uncle Jack didnt know who I was. I wad told to keep it that way."

"Well, whoever you are, dad won't let me see Jason until I get checked up so can you help me?"

"Yeah, come this way," he leads me into the next room just full of medical supplies.

I sit down on the bed and he hands me an ice pack.

"That needs to be there for fifteen minutes and then we'll wrap you up," he explains. "So you and Jason?"

"Yeah and?" I grunt at the pain that I'm finally feeling the wholeness of.

"You know he was the one you were promised to. Since you were six."

"Yeah. He has uh," I shift myself at the spike in pain, "he has mom's ring. Mom gave it to him before she died. But there were others. I just liked him best."

"Let me get you something for the pain. Do you know your blood type and weight? That'll affect how much you get."

"Um, I'm an O- and I'm about a hundred and fourtish pounds."

"Ok, I'll be right back," he walks out of the room.

A few minutes of silence then my dad walks in.

"Hey," I shift so I'm sitting more upward.

"How are you feeling?"

"Um, in pain. The doctor will be back soon with some meds... Um, daddy?"


"Did my brother survive the attack that night? Did you use a decoy?"

"He's your doctor?"

"Yeah. He said that you didn't even tell mom."

"And that lie will haunt me for forever," he hangs his head.

"Why didn't you use a decoy for me?"

"Well, I didn't think he would attack you. Your brother was next in line. You weren't. And he loved you."

"He never loved anyone."

"You're right."

"What does that mean now?"


"My brother being back."

"Ah, I finally found some, oh you have company."

"Hello my son."

"Oh, so you're dad."

"Give the girl her meds, she's in pain," dad urges

"Dad, what does that mean for me?"

"You were born to be a leader, you trained better than he ever did. You are my heir. He chose being a doctor over leadership, and this means you are next in line."

"So I didn't do all this to not have it be mine?"

"It was always going to be yours. That was your mothers wish."

"I never wanted it anyways. Seemed like so much work," my brother smiles.

"How was it mom's wish?"

"You know she was the Dionysus gang's leader at one point right?" I nod, "they believe that females should lead. She wanted you to lead."

"I guess that makes sense," I nod some more.

"The coronation is a week from tomorrow. Think you're ready?"

"Will there be a party and some alcohol?" I ask jokingly.

"If thats what you want," my dad smiles.

"Then of course I'm ready," I laugh a little but stop at nearly immediately at the pain.

"Its been 15 minutes, take the ice off and let me bandage you," my brother puts his hand out for the ice pack then starts wrapping me up.

"What am I going to wear?"

"Thats up to you."

"Did mom have a dress? I want to wear it."

"She did. We can have it fitted later."

I nod and the room goes silent as my brother finishes wrapping me.

"Ok, now where's Jason?"

"I'll take you to him," he leads me to a completely seperate part if the castle.

He opens the door and I see Jason laying on what had to have been a California king. Hes sleeping, but theres something on the nightstand next to him.

Slowly, he begins to stir. I sit on the end of the bed as he begins to wake. My brother leaves the room and now its just him and I.

After five minutes of staring at him, Jason finally wakes up most the way.

"Hey," I smile.

"Hi," he rubbs his eyes and sits up.

"How's the wound?" I motion down to the point I known it hit.

"Um, they said there was an exit wound but it hit a major artery. They uh, they sewed me up."

"As long as you're okay," I smile and lay down next him.

I lay on my left side, my good side, and look at him in his beautiful blue eyes.

"Oh, I uh, I have something for you," he reaches over to the nightstand and grabs whatever was there.

He opens the little velvet box, revealing my mother's ring.

"Vicki. I love you more than I love anything in this world. I know there was a promise, but a promise can be broken. But if you uh," he shifts himself a little, "but this ring isnt just another promise, its kind if a guarantee. Vicki of Zeus, will you marry me?"

What do you think shes going to say?

Also, please send me dress ideas! Thanks!

Well, have a good day!

Love you!



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