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I don't want to be here

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I don't want to be here. Everyone looking at me like I'm some... some sad slob.

I can't stand everyone's sympathetic looks. Them all pretending to care about someone they barely knew.

"Are you okay?" Jason whispers. He looks really good in suit. I wish I had seen it under different circumstances.

"Yeah. I just hate funerals," I say under my breath.

People continue flowing in, giving Jason and I their condolences and what not.

When Michael finally hets here, he sits with me, but says nothing. He knows how much this sucks.

Once the constant flow of people finally stops, Michael stands and goes to the podium.

"Hello," he starts, "we are gathered here today," he looks down at me, waving my hand across my neck. This sounds too much like marriage.

"Uh, sorry. We are here in the wake of a tragedy. We have lost amazing people. One a young boy, barely old enough to be in an inner gang. He refused the money from the gang. He supported his family as much as he could. He did not deserve his fate." A picture of Mark pops up behind me.

"Mark of Apollo was known as the hacker. He was gifted with a way of computers. He had a mother, a sister, an older brother, and his dogs. As an avid animal lover, he did what he could to help them. He was a volunteer at local shelters as much as he could. He was never much interested in a relationship, but loved his family. Both his blood, and his gang," Michael finishes.

I smile at his comments about the boy I barely knew.

"Would anyone like to say a few words about Mark?" Michael offers.

Jason stands and they switch places.

"Mark was smart, he knew that using gang money for the support of his family put them at risk. He made his own money. He loved his life and would trade nothing for it. He knew this was a risk, and I know that he accepted his death. He loved his mother and sister. And his envy of his brother drove him to the greatness he had become. He was taken too early from us," Jason nods and smiles to the crowed, then to me.

Michael goes to stand up but I stop him.

"Let me do it," I tell him.

Jason steps off the stage and I get on.

"Taylor was my best friend," I begin, finding Ella and Brian in the crowed, "she loved me with all her being. She was my sister." I can feel her spirit haunting me for being so formal.

"Alright, you know what," I look around at the shocked faces at my new tone, "Taylor would have hated this. She hated stupid formal meetings and only did them.bevause they were necessary. She would kill me if she could for this," I smile at the thought.

"Taylor was a bad ass bitch who loved her life. She was incredibally smart, stupid fast, amazing with any weapon. Would have been an amazing soldier in the army if she ever got the chance."

Jason smiles.

"But most of you never knew her. And now you never will," Taylor would only want people who actually cared here. Not foneys and fakes who are only here because they feel obligated.

"Most of you are only here because you feel obligated. Because I'm your leader. Because of me. Just looking around I can see people on their phones," everyone who was on their phone looks up. "Some of you aren't paying attention. There's even someone sleeping in the balcony.

"Taylor wouldn't want this. She would want her family and her friends. So, I ask all of you, if you are here out of obligation to me and you don't care about Taylor, leave. I will not feel disrespected, nor would she. Her mother and father are suffering watching this. But you need to leave."

Suddenly all but probably 10 people up and leave. Those who stay come closer and sit in the front.

"That was beautiful," Ella gives me a hug.

I smile, but avoid eye contact with her.

"She would have loved it," Jason holds my hand.

"What gang was she really apart of?" I ask once everyone else is gone.

"Technically, she belonged to no one gang, but a messanger of all," Brian answers.

"She was an Apollian. She was my second in command, and one of my best friends."

"I never got to tell her how I felt..." Winter walks up.

"She didn't love you," I sigh to her.

"I know luv, but she deserved to know who loved her," she puts her hand on the casket.

"Who will be my advisor now. She was my advisor. And now," I kind of force myself into Jason's arms as I feel a tear fall from my eyes.

I miss her. More than I want to admit. I needed her. She still had so much life left.

I wouldn't be here if it weren't for her. I needed her from day 1.

Now she can't fight for herself. So I'm going to fight for her.

"Did you notice the tattoos?" I hear behind me.

"The guys who attacked the party last night?" I pull away from Jason and turn to Micheal.

"Every single one had the same purpleish tattoo," he nods.

"My own people killed her?" I say a little louder than I probably should have.

"Of course they did. Like you said. He knows you're alive," Michael confirms my worst fears.

I'm not killing my bastard uncle for myself anymore.

Taylor of Apollo will be avenged.

Even if its the last thing I do.


So the ending sucked ass just a little bit...


So I wanted to show the funeral. I thought a not-so-formal goodbye was necessary.

What do you think will come next?


Also! I have entered my fan-fiction book into.the 2019 wattys! So please show your support and go read, vote, and comment on "My Best Friend's Little Brother" it would mean so much! (And obviously vote for it to win... Duh...) I'm not expecting a lot, but I thought it would be fun to give it a shot.

I love you  guys!


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