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The first week had gone by pretty quickly

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The first week had gone by pretty quickly. You could already see the training taking its toll.

Her face is skinnier, she's gaining abs and shedding her winter skin. She looks more awake. She sleeps less. She gets her work done faster and better. Her grades have done wonderfully.

And even with everything going on, she finds time for the boys. If she's not with Jason, she's with Michael.

Shes made it very clear to both that she will pick one in the end, and if they fight for her, she picks no one. But the way she talks about them, I don't see how she's going just one.

But that is no worry now. This week, she meets with the four gangs, willing to be allies and the well-known bandits. They are really just a gang that doesn't like being called that.

"Vicki. The Athenians are here."

We meet in Jason's meetroom, he calls it his library.

"Hello." She sits down.

"Hello darling. How are you today?" The leader, Carlos, smiles devilishly at her.

"I'm doing alright. You?"

"Well, minus the small attack on the wearhouse this morning, I'm doing well. Now lets get down to business."

When Vicki smiles I know she's fighting the urge to sing the song.

She takes a deep breath and looks back at Carlos.

"You are here today because I would like to ask you for your alliance in the fight against the current Zeus leaders. I can't do it by myself. And I need you guys."

"If you are truly the heir, what was the promise tour father made to us?"

I watch her struggle for a moment to remember, until she snaps.

She points to Carlos and smiles, "he promised to only buy weapons from you, not anyone else."

"Correct. But that may be a lucky guess. Details?" Carlos challenges.

"No matter where we live, we buy only from you. My gun," she pulls it out, unloads it, and slides it across the table, "is from you. The engraving, though worn, is still on the handle."

Carlos runs his thumb over a part of the handle then slides it back.

"Alright. On the condition that you keep the original promise of your father, we will stand by your side in the war for Zeus," Carlos nods and his inner gang follows

"Any promise my dad made still stands, even years after his death," she stands and shakes his hand as I set out the papers.

They sign papers as I hear the door open. "Vicki, it's time for training, unless your busy."

"Jason of Apollo. Long time no see." Carlos smiles.

"Not since my dad's funeral," they shake hands.

"Well we are just leaving. Nice seeing you cuz," they all nod and leave.

"Cuz?" Both Vicki and I say at the same time.

"The Athenians and Appollians are technically merged by my grandma's brother. After a small, yet fatal accident, we agreed to stay merged but have our separate gangs," Jason explains.

After an awkward moment of silence, Vicki and Jason nod at eachother and head up the stairs.

After a moment, I head up stairs and grab some popcorn to be met by Ariana.

"Do you wanna come over?" She smiles and kisses my neck.

"I have to stay with Vicki and you know it," I kiss her back.

"Then lets go to the spare bedroom," she starts kissing me more.

"I wish I could, but you know I can't."

"We haven't been together in forever," she steps back.

"I know. But I don't really have any appetite, I'm stressed as hell with all of this." I look at her, she looks so dissapointed. "But I promise I'll be back soon."

She smiles and grabs a snack.

"Have you told her yet?"

"Told her what?"

"About the promise."

"Not yet."

"Why not?"

"She'll hate herself."

"What? Because she can't choose."

"She just will."

"She has to know eventually and you know it," she opens her water and drinks.

"Eventually is not today," I say angrily.

"I'm aware," she sighs and leaves the house.

"Ari-" I sigh.

And then there's a knock on the door.

"I knew you'd come back. You always- oh."

"Is Vicki around?"

"She's training. Why?"

"Good. How much time do we have. I need to talk to you."

"Why me?"

"Because your the only person I trust to keep a secret from Vicki," they push through the door.

"Isn't this technically against gang law," I follow them to the living room and he sits down.

"What is this about?" I ask, arms cdossed in front of him.

"She can't ever know about the promise."

"But she does sir."

"I'm afraid her mother made a mistake."

"What mistake."

"That one," I catch a glimpse of a face I barely recognize before they tear the place through with bullets.

"I have to go before she sees me."

"Go hide in the cellar." I push him in the direction of the cellar.

Within the next two minutes, three bullets take out five people, and a machete the last 2.

"I guess I can't leave this place for shit," Anna hugs me and asks if I'm okay.

"Yeah I'm fine. But I have a feeling there are more-"

"What the fuck just happened." Vicki comes down the stairs.

"Small attack on the Apollo house. Happens at least once a week." I laugh along with Anna.

"Well. I guess I'm done training now." She kisses Jason on the cheek and runs back up stairs.

"What was that Taylor?" Jason steps closer.

"A bad promise that got away." I look to the skid marks down the street. "A really bad promise."

Hey guys!

So this one wasn't amazing but it was good in my opinion. Kind of hard to write though.

Who was this guy? And will he come back?

Love you guys!


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