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She stops talking for a minute and starts shaking

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She stops talking for a minute and starts shaking.

But this isn't a seizure. She is still talking to me after it starts. Shes still here.

Its the PTSD.

"What are you seeing?!" I question rather loudly.

She doesn't answer.

"Jason?" She says, but shes not talking to me. She talking in her memory.

Why am I in her memories?

I pull out my phone and call Taylor.

"I'm in geo. What?"

"Come help. Vicki is having an episode. I can't get her out."

"I'm coming. Take her to the chem room."

"Thank you," I hang up.

I lift her up. Shes still shaking, but shes surprisingly light. I thought shed feel more like my 100 pound weights. But she feels more like a milk jug.

Or maybe thats just the strength for her coming out.

I carry her down the hall, passing a few freshman on the way. They shy away and don't question what I'm doing.

I get to the chem room and ball up my jacket to put under her head.

She's more asleep now. The shaking has stopped and she isn't talking anymore.

"Is she okay?" Taylor asks.

"I don't know. She's sleeping now. I put my jacket under her head."

"Text me when she wakes. Stay with her though."

I nod and she leaves. And then I wait.

And half an hour passes before I start to fall asleep.

And then my phone starts going crazy.

I look at it and a group chat named "the V situation" is blowing up.

Its my gang.

Ariana- I'm just trying to protect us.
Taylor- I'm telling her. She isn't her uncle. She will be a much better leader than jack.
Mark- hey! In trying to pass algebra! Stop texting me!

I laugh a little at the last one.

Me- take Mark out of here. Where's Anna? And we tell Vicki when she wakes up.
Taylor-Anna's phone is off sense shes on that off the grid vacay rn
Ariana- lover boy, open your eyes. You TRAINED her. She knows your every move. This could be a power move on Zeus.
Taylor- we don't let her. She loves my family, and this girl wouldn't hurt a fly, unless it attacked her first.
Me-Ariana! I make the decisions when it comes to this. We tell her.
Ariana- we DID attack her first. She was homesless for six months at 10 because of us.
Taylor- just stop Ari. We're stronger than her. We still train daily. She hasn't trained in YEARS.
Ariana- fine.
Me-its settled then.
Taylor- text me when she wakes and I'll come tell her.
Ariana- sorry I'm being a bitch but I just don't want to lose anyone.
Mark- you didn't take me out. But I agree that we need to tell her.
Mark- NO!  Okay. I'll go. Bye
Ariana-bye mark
Me-I have to go. I'm pretty sure there's a chem class this coming period
Taylor-yeah. Put a note on the door and tell them its an off day. The teachers know what that means.
Me-okay. Bye

I go search the desk for some paper and a marker and do as Taylor said.

And I sit. And I wait.

I would wait another seven years for her. Forever, if I have to.

"What happened?" I hear a voice through the door.

"Michael." I growl.

"Look. I'm just concerned for her." He walks in and shuts the door.

"Get out."

"Is she okay?" He walks over to her.

"She's fine. Shes sleeping now. She had PTSD."

"What does that mean?"

"She was remembering stuff from when the war hap- thats non of your business."

"Is she-?"

"No. She's just another lower gang member," I lie.

"Her name was Vicki. I remember that. And I know you do to. I know its her. You're a bad liar."

"I'm a gang leader. I'm an amazing liar. Maybe your just good at reading people."

He sits down next to me, but both of.us domt take our eyes off of her.

"Did she tell you about the painting?" He still doesn't let his eyes leave her.

"What painting," I look at him.

"I painted her after I met her on Sunday. When I saw her at the mall. But I also painted a gun."

"What gun?"

"The one Vicki had when she was ten," he finally looks at me, "I knew it was her the second I saw her. But no one believed me," he looks back at her. "I loved her. Since the second I met her when we were seven, I loved her. I still love her."

"Shes not yours to love," I look back at her too.

"I know," he sighs "She never was. And she never will be."



What did you guys think?

I can't decide who I love more now!!!

Well, love you guys.


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