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"Are you going to the party tonight?" I ask Vicki as she sits down with her bowl of cereal

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"Are you going to the party tonight?" I ask Vicki as she sits down with her bowl of cereal

She starts stirring her cereal like she has every morning. "Yeah. Michael is taking me." She smiles weakly.

I look her over. Her face is a lot skinnier. I can almost see her cheekbones. Her arms are muscular, but that's all that's there. Her clothes hang off of her more than they used to.

When she gets up, I can see her semi- muscular legs, but they're still just thick sticks.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." She replies, then goes upstairs.

Since she found out about everything, this has been her every morning.

She plays with her food, doesn't eat much, I ask her if she's ok, and she goes to her room.

Every morning.

I know this is all so much for her, she was never supposed to be on those meds, and the ptsd can cause depression. She wants nothing to do with food, and often gags at the smell of food.

She isn't okay.

Once I finish my breakfast, I go get dressed for school, my mind still stuck on Vicki.

How do I fix this?

I put on my red outfit and head to the living room.

"Mom, I'm going to leave soon. Where you at?" I call out.

My mom walks out from her back bedroom.

"Is Vicki doing Okay? Shes lost a lot of weight lately and doesn't eat much." She asks as she gives me a hug.

"No. She's slipped in to a depression I've never seen in my time with Zeus."

"Never? You've known so many leaders. Why is this different for her?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe the meds messed with her."

"Just, keep an eye on her," she fumbles for her phone.


"I got a message last night. The number was blocked." She hands me her phone.

Blocked number- in two weeks, I want to meet with the girl. My daughter needs to know why everything is the way it is.

"Mom..." I say, almost scared.

"Taylor, Do you know what it means?"

"Mom, she said her dad visited her when she was eleven. He should have been dead..."

"Is this her father?" She takes back her phone.

"Mom, I found his body."

"Decoy," She mumbles.


"Decoy. There was always speculation but no one believed it because it was so real. But its the only explanation. Because her uncle would text a leader, not me."

"Two weeks. In two weeks she meets with everybody."

"Don't tell her. It's only best. Just in case it isn't him."

I nod when I hear the steps from the stairs.

"I'm ready to go." She says.

We leave in silence.

Once we get to school she goes straight up to Michael. I wish she wouldn't get so close

"Taylor." I hear behind me. I turn to see Jason behind me.


"Did you get this message?" He shows me the same message my mom got from a blocked number.

"My mom did. I didn't. My mom says not to tell her, it's only best in case it's not him."

"Ok." He nods as my other two friends arrive.

"Hey," Ariana says, popping a kiss on my lips.

"Mark," I say.

He nods.

"Where's Anna?"

"Taking care of some stuff for the party. Shes our rep this year."

"Hey, am I helping with training today. Rumor has it your too easy for her." He laughs, then pushing Jason a little.

"If you're ready to get your ass kicked, you're more than welcome." Jason snickers.

The four of us walk into the building, my hand in Ariana's.

When we hear the four-minute bell ring I turn to Jason. "She's going to the party tonight. With Michael."

"Why does it matter. I'm not allowed to say anything as it is. Maybe its best she ends up with him." He sighs before breaking off into a different direction.

"Want to find a room at the party tonight?" Ariana smiles, our hands still in one another.

"I really want to..."


"I don't think she'll be safe if she's with Michael."

"She's done well in her training babe. I'm sure she'd be fine."

"Something feels off about all of it. The timing of the message... The people who got it... The party... The guys that attacked her the other day."

"Hey. Listen. She's been trained since she was three. I'm sure she can handle herself."

"I don't know... She hasn't been eating. She only wants to train. If she isn't being trained, she training that boy. She's home after eleven. And us up, long before me. I'm really worried."

"Ok. Then when we're at the party, we don't let her out our site and don't let her get too drunk. But please promise me one thing."

"What," I say when we're in front of my first class.

"Don't let me lose you." She says, letting go of my hand before kissing me softly but quickly.

"I won't," I whisper when the bell rings.

Sorry, this one is short. But...

I like it. Do you?

What do you think will happen at the party?

Love you!


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