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"Hey." A voice says behind me.

"What do you want?" I turn to Michael

"Sorry how I acted yesterday. I was uh... I wasn't in the right state of mind. I was-"

"Drunk? In not a dumbass," I start to walk away but her pulls me back.

"I know. I'm sorry. I just wanted to say sorry before you go hating me," he walks off.

I sigh, "thanks for the painting." I smile.

He turns back but stays where he stopped. "Didn't even mean to paint you. Just started, and guess you ended." He smiles back.

"Why'd you paint the gun?"

"You're a badass. I just wanted to show that." He shruggs his shoulders.

"Current events. And go." The government teacher says as we step in the class.

"The heart beat bill in going through the state in Georgia, in the united states as we speak in the houses," I say.

"You're really smart." Michael whispers


"Do you want to go for lunch tomorrow?" He whispers as we sit down.

I think about it for a moment. Jason and I aren't technically dating, so I can do whatever right?

"Sure, why not," I say.

The rest of the class goes smoothly and then I go to final hour.

I walk into the Algebra 2 room and go sit by Jason.

"Hey." He says.


"So my sister wants to go shopping, I hope that's OK?"

"That's fine." I smile and tell him.

"She also wants to get ice cream and get to know you." He blushes and looks down at his paper.

"Aww, she sounds adorable. " I laugh.

"Alright kiddos, let's get today done with so you can go home and enjoy your night." The teacher says.

The rest of the class, Jason tells me all about his sister. After the bell rings we go to his car.

"If you have homework I can drop you off at home."

"No no. I have a sheet that will take me at most 20 minutes. It'll be fine." I smile before he opens the door for me.

"Ok. We'll swing by to pick her up then go to the store." He tells me before shutting the door.

A few minutes later, the cutest little girl hops in.

"Is this your friend?" She asks.

"Hi, my name's Vicki." I hold out my hand.

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