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"Today, we train with weapons

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"Today, we train with weapons. " Jason says as I walk in. He's holding a knife in one hand, and a gun in the other...both are pink and are engraved at the handle with my initials.

"Choose wisely." He smiles.

I take the gun. "Go to the back yard. I'll be out in a minute." He says.

I go there. I think through the rest of my schedule for today. I'm meeting with posieden today. I'm wondering who the fourth group is. Then I'm going to dinner with Jason.

I think through everything from yesterday. When you think of family you think of loving people you can trust with your life. But, that isn't how it is. Some members are, but even those closest to you can be snakes. When I was little, my uncle Jack gave me a ring. I lost it not long after. He treated me like a princess. Then I said something I wasn't supposed to around him. And he killed everyone I loved.

What did you tell him? I ask myself.

If I could just remember, it could be his weakness.

But I can't remember.

I'm startled out of my trance by a hand on my back.

"Shoot the target." He points to the circular target pad.

I raise the gun and shoot it. I miss almost completely, the bullet ripped a hole in the left edge of it.

"Focus." He says.

I breathe for a minute then raise the gun again. I steady my hands and pull the trigger. This time I hit just to the bottom left of the target, about an inch away.

"Again." He demands.

I do it again, it hits just to the right of it.

I feel his arms wrap around me and he steadies my hands for me. He lets go and tells me to go again.

I pull the trigger once more and hit the top of the red dot.

"Try something for me. What if your uncle had me, gun to my head. You shoot the red, right in the middle, he lets go of me. Miss, I die. Now go."

Once more, I go again. I focus, and it feels like I'm taking forever to get the right hold and the right stance. Once I feel like I'm there, I take one breath and everything becomes steady. I pull the trigger and I hit it. Right in the middle. Bullseye.

"Oh my god. I actually did it!"

"In less than five seconds. How in the hell did you do that?"

"What? It felt like five minutes."

"Less than five seconds." He smiles.

Without even thinking I kiss him. Its a nice kiss. Feels right. But I push away and wipe my mouth.

"What?" He asks, concerned.

"I just... I don't want to lead you on."

"You've made it clear you'll pick one in the end."

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