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"Hello," the man asks

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"Hello," the man asks.

"Who are you?" Vicki tilts her head a little.

He hold up something off his chest. "You'd think a girl would recognize her father." He smiles.

He walks to the stage and stands with his 'daughter'

I dont trust him yet.

He shows her a dog tag, then looks at her bullet. "I'm the bullet." She mumbles.

"You're my bullet my love," he smiles and gives her a hug.

No you're not. This man is not your father. He doesn't look like the man.

But someone else here does.

"I dont think you're her father," I speak up.

"What?" Vicki and the man say together.

"Vicki, I know you don't trust me. But this man is not your father. Do you remember what he looked like? He was tall, enjoyed Pirates of the Caribbean. You're dad has been here the entire time."

"I don't believe you," The man says angrily, "I could have done what the boss wanted if you didn't interrupt." He wants to charge, but I hear a gun cock. I smile at my new friend. Michael nods holds the gun to the man's head.

"Your dad lost his necklace in the fight," Winter stands. "I knew of his visit today too. I got another message today. It reads, find a picture of me to show my girl. She'll remember when she sees it." She grabs something from her fancy coat pocket then walks to the stage.

"This is your father," she hands her a picture and Vicki's eyes start to tear up.

"This entire time?" She looks at the man in the picture.

"I can explain-"

"Daddy," she walks over and hugs him.

'thank you' I mouth to Winter.

She nods as if to say 'you're welcome luv'

"Pull the trigger," I tell Michael, "actually, wait a second."

I come face to face with the man. "Do you have children?" He shakes his head. "A lover?" He shakes once more. "Why would you do this?"

"He threatened my dog," he cries, "that's my baby boy. I couldn't let him die."

"Run off." I slap him on the back and he runs out the building.

"Thank you for protecting her all this time," Klaus whispers to me.

I nod and smile and walk past the two.

"Hey, Michael," he turns, "thank you for being so quick to the bullet. I don't know what I would have done if I lost her."

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