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I wake up the next morning, same as normal

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I wake up the next morning, same as normal.

I stumble down the stairs and kiss Jazy on the head and give my mom a hug.

"No kiss or hug for me?" I hear another voice.

"Vicki! I kind of forgot you stayed here last night," I rub my face, trying to wake up.

"Its alright," she gets up and pops a peck on my lips.

I'm a little surprised, I mean... She hasn't chosen yet but maybe thats just what shes doing.

"Hello..." I hear a small voice.

"Hello," I turn to the boy.

He turns away and eats his breakfast.

"We going to school today?" I ask her.

"Yeah. Been a few days. I need to catch up," she walks over to the sink and rinses her plate.

"I can help you if you need," I smile and grab a new plate.

She runs up the stairs and I can hesr the gym doors open.

"Mama, did she really eat?" I ask, honestly hoping she says yes.

"No, that was the boys plate," she sighs in dissapointment

"Still no name?" I look over to him.

"He told me his name was Matty," Jazy smiles at him.

My mom.and I look at eacother and laugh a little on the inside.

My baby sis has got her first crush.

I walk up to the gym to check on Vicki.


"Hey," she smiles as she punches the dummy.

I walk around her, watching her figure as she punches it.

"What would you do if you didnt have to do this?" I ask her.

"Uh. What would I do if I didnt have to do this? Probably become a trainer. Have my own defense class or something. I'd have a couple kids of my own. A boy and a girl. I'd learn how to cook, so I can feed my kids and my boyfriend real food. Id never get married. Why do you ask?"

"Wow, you have this quite planned out."

"Well, at my last school," she stops punching the dummy, "we had a project in my home ec. class when we had to plan out our lives. I've always lived the gym. But my fosters would never let me go." She walks behind me to get water. "What would you do?"

"Oh, uh... I guess I would become a writer. I've always liked journaling. Writing. It makes me happy. Almost as happy as you-"

I hate myself myself

"Wow! That was cheesy as hell," she laughs.

"Yeah I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I thought it was cute. Oh! After school I'm going out with Michael. So don't wait up for me."

"Alright," I sigh a little.

She heads out and gets ready for school.

"There you are!" Jazy runs in.

"What? You need to get ready for school."

"Well! The 3rd grade dance is tomorrow and I want to ask Matty to come with me. But I don't know how."

I laugh as I crouch down to her level. "Just ne yourself and ask. I'm sure he'll say yes. You're the only one he'll talk to."

"Ok!" She runs off.

I smile and head to my room. I get ready for the day... And then it hits me.

The party is in a few days, and I haven't asked her.

Well its too late now... She's going with Michael and I know it.

I grab my journal and begin to write.

She was supposed to be mine. Her mother gave me permission. Her father adored me. It was suplosed to be me. To find out she had choices. I'm all for the woman choosing her own path. But I have loved her since we were kids, and I had never stopped loving her. She told me she loved me when we were eight, and she couldn't wait to marry me. I was the first one there after the accident, or rather, her uncle. But she isn't for me. She wasn't ever. And now she never will be.

I shut the book when I hear a knock on the door. "Jason! I have to go to school now!" I hear my baby sister.

"I'm coming," I throw the book in to a drawer and grab my keys.

"Alright! Lets get out of here. Matty, we'll be back in a few hours, well they will be. I'll be back tonight. Alright?"

The boy nods to Vicki and we all leave.

"So a journalist," Vicki pries.

"Yeah. But I have other responsibilities. A trainer?, I mimic.

"I've always loved fitness and stuff. But like you, I've got other responsibilities."

"You still going to have 2 kids?"

"I want to. But I have to survive to that point," she shruggs her shoulders

"What are you guys talking about?" Jasmine leans forward.

"What we would do if we weren't in a gang."

"Oh! cool! I'd be a fashion maker," she sits back again.

"Alright. We're here. Get going Jazy. I Love you!"

"Love you too," we.all.get out and go our separate ways.

"Have you asked her yet?" Taylor comes up behind me.

"Shes going with Michael."

"You're just going to let her go like that?"

"I'm not going to take away her ability to choose," I watch Vicki keep getting further and further away.

"But don't you love her?"

"More than she'll ever get to know."

Hey! So this was more of like a fill in chapter but it was fun to visit things that haponed between them in the past.

What do you think will happen at that party?

I love you!


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