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"Wake up

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"Wake up. Mama's got pancakes on the griddle. And you don't wanna be late for school." My little sister shakes me.

"I'm so tired of this school bull shit. I've outsmarted everyone there anyway. And I'm the leader of a gang. I shouldn't need to go to school." I say as I sit up.

"All the girls would miss you." She smiles.

I brush her hair off her shoulder. "And I need to be a good role model." I stand up and kiss her forehead.

She leaves and I put on my clothes. I put my black jeans and a black t-shirt. I look at what the weather is to be like today and decide I need at least a thin jacket. I find my black denim jacket and slip it on. I put on my socks and shoes and head to the kitchen.

"Morning mama," I say and go kiss her on her forehead.

"Morning Jason. Get a good night's rest."

"Yes, ma'ma."

"Mama! It came out!" My little sister exclaims. She comes racing into the kitchen with a small, off white object between her figures.

She shows it to me, its a tooth.

She then smiles and she no longer has the bottom one 3 from the middle.

"Go put it somewhere safe. I'll go meet with the fairy." I tell her.

She smiles again and runs back to her room.

"You're a good brother, you know that?" Mama says.

I scarf down my pancakes and realize its time to go. "Gotta go mama. See ya later." I tell her then run out after grabbing my keys and my bag.

I throw my bag into my 50's style mustang and get in after it.

I start the car and speed to school.

Once there, I park pretty far away. The rest of my gang arrive here.

"Have you heard?" My second in command asks.

"You've found her?"

"Turns out she was right under our nose the whole time."

"Good," I smile, "keep her safe at all costs. But don't tell her. Not yet."

"Then there's only four alright?" She nods.

We walk in together, then go our separate ways.

I walk to English class where I see a pretty girl in the back.

I sit next to her and smile. "I have a stupid question I have to ask."


"Are you in Apollo?"

"Yes?" I'm a little confused, but mama taught me to listen before I answer.

"Are you the second or hacker?" She starts rubbing her arms.

"I'm the leader. Can I ask why you ask?"

"My sister told me they were the only nice ones, well that you guys were nice. I'm a little new."

"I can tell. I think all four of us are pretty nice. I can't say the same for those, not in the inner gang. But you'll never have to meet them."

"Why not?"

"They don't live here. A few do. But most live in other parts of the country."

"Oh." She smiles again as the bell rings.

"Hello, class. We've got a new student. Please be nice. Thank you. "

I can see her panic on her face when the teacher said that. It quickly faded away.

"We will be continuing the project we started last class. Vicki, you can partner with whoever." The teacher sits down and proceeds to pretty much fall asleep.


It must be a coincidence

"Want to partner with me?" I ask.

"Let me ask Taylor. She didn't say anything about you."


"Yeah, she's my new sister."

It has to be a coincidence.

But does it?

"I thought she was an only child," I say as she types away on her phone.

"Her parents wanted more, and adopted me."

"No offense or anything but aren't you a bit old for that?"

"it's rare when kids my age get fosters or adopted but it happens. Just has to be the right family." She explains.

After a moment she looks at her phone.

"She says you're alright."

"Are we partners then?"

"I guess so." She smiles.

I pull the papers out of my bag and go get computers.

"Right now I'm making a survey to give to the other students."

"What's the project about?"

"My little sister said I should do it on self-esteem in high school."

"Oh, cool."

"Can you do the answers while I do the questions?"

"Sure!" She says, pretty happy like.

I want to take her for a ride. I want to 'get to know her.'

Be a good role model. I remind myself.

She looks so focused as she looks from the paper to the computer.

After a minute of me doing nothing, I ask her, "wanna go get some coffee some time? I could show you around town after."

She looks at me and smiles. "Yeah. I could probably go after I do homework today if you want."

"That would be great. Just let me know when you're done."

"OK." She smiles.

Mama would like her.

I smile to myself.

We work for about an hour before we start packing up and getting ready for our next classes.

When the bell rings I walk her to her next class.

Before she walks in she turns to say goodbye. "I'll see you later." She says then turns back towards the class.

Vicki? It has to be a coincidence.

Herooooooo out there!


What do you guys think of Jason?

Love you guys!


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