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I watch her fiddle with something in her pocket before she answers

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I watch her fiddle with something in her pocket before she answers.

"Of course silly," she takes my head in her hands and kisses me so gently.

I can't even describe the pain I'm in right now, but having her makes me forget it. And now I know I'll have her forever.

I slip the ring onto her finger then lie down with her next to me. I soon find myself falling into a light sleep while I hold her hand.


When I wake, I look over to Vicki who is fast asleep and mumbling nonsense under her breath.

I try to get up quietly to go to the bathroom, but find I don't have enough strength in my legs at the moment. I crash into the dresser, hitting my wound.

"Fuck!" I yell with out thinking.

Vicki jumps up rather quickly and runs over.

"I'm Okay, I swear," I grumble through my teeth as she sits me up.

"The pooling of blood in your bandage says other wise," she says, her voice sounding concerned and half asleep, "here, keep pressure on it. I'll go get a medic."

She runs out to get a medic while I sit there putting as much pressure is comfortable for five minutes. She comes back and they stitch me up again.

"Take it easy, alright? You might not be so lucky next time," the nurse says as he packs up.

Vicki hits me in the shoulder, "I will stay up all night if I have to watch you," she hugs me, being careful of my stitches.

"I hate feeling helpless," I mumble.

"Think I want to help you? I like sleep," she laughs.

She helps me back to the bed. "My coronation is on Saturday. Will you be my escort?"

I smile as I think of what mama and Jazy would say.

"Jasmine won't let me do it with out her and you know it."

"Fine, I'll ask her then," she laughs as she kisses me, still smiling.

"I would be honored," I smile to her.

She leaves the room and I'm left with my thoughts.

For the next few days or so we have a routine.

She changes my bandages first thing in the morning. Then she helps me to the kitchen to get breakfast. Then she goes and gets ready and goes to her training. She mostly does long ranged weapons since she's still healing. I either watch, or I stay in my room and watch Tv. When she's done training, she showers and then we go for a walk. Each day get a easier for me. I can tell its the same for her, her limp lessens each day. Then its about time for lunch. Once we're done, I shower. Then its my turn to train. Its not as long or vigorous as Vicki's though. After, I normally meet with the planning commity for an hour, then mama and Jasmine visit me.

That is every day until Wednesday.

I'm finally feeling more up to challenges and am honestly tired of doing the same thing everyday.

I couldn't sleep much last night, so I headed to the cafeteria and played a lonely game of darts for a little while.

Then Michael walks in.

"Hey man, what are you doing up?" He grabs the darts in the board.

"I couldn't sleep. You?"

"Same," he sighs.

"Wanna play?"

"Why not. To 1010?"

"1010, thats going to be forever."

"Its 3am. We got time." He writes everything on the chalk board.

We start playing, and its quiete at first. We don't talk much.

Then Michael starts talking again...

"Hows Vicki?"

"Shes good, still healing. Excited about her coronation."

"How are you doing, you know, with that bullet wound?"

"I'm alright. Its frustrating though."

"Sorry. Woulda been there if I could."

"I know. But you would have been there for Vicki "

"Are you insane. I wouldn't haunt her for the rest of eternity," he reveals a very similar wound.

"That's right. We're gonna have matching scars."

"Yeah. Hey, waddaya say we just open a bottle of whiskey?" He looks back toward the liquor storage.

"I'm not a whiskey guy. More a beer guy."

"Then lets crack open a case."

We sneak into the kitchen and grab a few beers each. I have to stop Michael from grabing too many. For a mild alcoholic, he can't hold his own.

We go back to our game after a minute and start talking again.

"You treating her right?"

"I hope so. She doesn't want much help with anything though."

"Sounds like her. I'm glad shes happy."

"She's told you that?"

"She didn't have to. I can see it when she's with you."

"She tell you I proposed?"

"Saw the ring yesterday when we had dinner while you were with the commity. Asked her about it. The look she had on her face, I can't even explain it. I could tell how happy she was."

I smile to the ground.

She's happy.

And shes mine.

She'll always be mine.

Kinda sucky chapter but whateva

Just know there isn't much more to go!

I'm going to enter this book in the Watty's when I'm done and it would mean a lot if you could vote and stuff on it that would make me feel so good. Not expecting a lot, but it would mean so so much to me.

Alright, love you guys!


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