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I nod and we run to the fight

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I nod and we run to the fight.

We arrive at the gates and stand to the sides.

"Ready luv?" Winter smiles.

"Lets go!" We run in and start shooting my arrows.

I miss not one shot and every shot is fatal.

I here a gasp in disbalieg to my side and I see Winter, bleeding.


"I'm alright lad," she smiles kindly to me before sinerstly smiling at the guy who shot her, "you laddy, are about to die."

I laugh as I continue to shoot. Watching the blood splatter from everyone, whether it be their head, neck, or heart, was satisfying. The sound had almost become asmr for me.

When I get a moment I look around, these are the days I enjoy as a gang member. Aside from the possible losses, the day of a planed battle is amazing. Satisfying.

For everyone of our fallen friends another five of their men go down. Seems like a fair trade for all they've done.

Suddenly I'm brought back from my thoughts. A large man comes crashing down from two stories above. I look up to Vicki running into a room with Jason.

She's found him.

I smile knowing what the girl is capable of.

I keep shooting and retrieving my arrows for a while before I feel it.

When did it hapoen? I didnt even feel it. Its dripping everywhere.

My hand is covered in blood, my legs drenched, the right side of my shirt stained.

"Winter!" I call for my English friend, but she doesn't appear, "Winter!" I call again. Still nothing.

I fall to the ground, blood pooling around me.

Stay awake you fool. Act dead but stay awake. Winter will come back soon.

I watch people run over me, being careful not to step on me for at least five minutes before I see a familiar white headed princess run towards me.

"Michael luv. Michael, stay awake ok. I'm sorry I left you. Just stay here okay? I have help coming," she lifts me up and throws me over her shoulder.

This girl can dead-lift like 400 pounds, I'm like a pancake to her.

Shee runs to one of the vans out where we met up. She swings open the doors and lays me down. I struggle to sit up against the side but with a little help I managed.

"Just stay here okay? You should be safe. The medics will be here soon," she nods then runs back to the fight.

I look for my phone, I have to tell Vicki goodbye just in case.

I find it in my back right pocket. Of course its there. Now its covered in blood.

I decide to try it and see if it works as the pain grown in my side.

I turn it on and the screen lights up through the dark, sticky blood.

Holy shit! It works

I unlock it and find Vicki's contact and try to call, but no answrr.

Idiot. Shes probably fighting her uncle. Just leave a message.

"Hey Vick. Um, I might be dieing so I wanted to say goodbye. Uh, I'm sorry about everything. I knew a lot more than I said. I knew who you were day one and just didn't want to believe it. I didn't need a hero. I thought thats who you going to be. But I was wrong. I did need a hero. I needed someone to save me. I needed you to save me. Before you, I was drinking myself to death and," I shift myself because the pain was too much, "and I thought I was okay. But I wasn't.

"Thank you for bringing all the gangs of Athens together. I have more friends than ever now. And I have a best friend I never thought I would have. She keeps me smiling and from drinking. I have another brother to lean on. Tell Jason and Winter not to miss me too much. And that I said I will haunt them forever.

"I love you. I still love you. I try to play it off. But I can't pretend anymore. I'm dieing. I lo-"

Beep beep beep.

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The pain is starting to get to the point that trying again sounds too painful.

I'm to the point of tears, to the point breathing hurts, to the point I want to die so I don't hurt anymore. I want it all to end.

Hey! So I know it wasn't THAT long but it said everything I needed it to say.

Who's worried about Vicki?

What about Michael?

Well, see you tomorrow!

Love you!


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