13. Bus Ride Problem

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"So where do you think we're going?" I glanced over at Patton and frowned. Why do they keep asking me? Like, why would I know more then they do? "Got any guesses?" He glanced at me with this sketchy look and it dawned on me. 

"You're trying to see if I can do something like see the future or read minds... aren't you." He gasped and glanced around as if I just told him I knew this big secret. 

"How'd you know? Can you read minds?" I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"No. I read body language." Roman started laughing next to us and I tensed up. I looked over to see him chatting away with some other and I took a deep breath. You're just being paranoid. "For your information, whatever powers you THINK I MAY possess... Mine are nothing like that." The ones that are truly mine anyway.

"Wait, really? So you heard we're going to this army camp?" I had to choke back a laugh hearing the disappointment in Roman's voice.

"Ok, Listen up kids!" Mr. Mclaughlin started yelling down the aisle as we started walking up and down it. "We are going on this trip as a training exercise but that doesn't mean you aren't free to do what you all want. You are all adults. There will only be one class a day, however long it may be, then you are free to do whatever." I covered my ears and groaned at the sudden explosion of cheers that ripped through the bus as if Present Mic started fucking belting a song out! 

"I wouldn't get too excited there, studenter." Mr. Kjellburg called out laughing and suddenly everyone got silent. "We will be enforcing the buddy system, so..."

"Foireann suas!" Mr. Mclaughlin finished and Patton nudged my arm.

"What?" I laughed and shook my head.

"It's Irish for Team Up." Patton narrowed his eyes at me and I frowned. "What?"

"So, you know Swedish, and now Irish too?" I nodded and he smiled.

"I know a lot of languages, Pat. Korean, Japanese, Spanish, French... I even know a bit of Latin too."

"Really?" I jumped in surprise as Roman fell forward bumping into me and just laughed. "I only know Spanish."

"Why?" I rolled my eyes and he just shrugged. 

"It's the language of love." I just shook my head as he sat back in his seat staring at me.

"I thought that was French." His eyes narrowed in thought and we all lurched forward as the bus suddenly stopped. I ended up slamming my head on the seat in front of me and felt as the mask cut into my skin from the impact. "Id specta!" I yelled out holding my head in pain. "Learn how to drive, asinus." I looked up to see Roman and Patton staring at me and I frowned. "What?" Patton's eyes started going wide and he reached out towards my mask. I grabbed his wrist stopping him and he frowned. 

"Your bleeding." 

"WHAT?!" Roman practically yanked Patton out of the seat to look me over. I wiped the edge of the mask and pulled my hand away to see I was in fact bleeding. Damn it! "Caz your need to take the mask off." 

"No!" I shoved him out of the way and started for the door. I managed to see where we were just before everything went black.

"So where do you think we're going?" I glanced over at Patton and frowned. That was a vision. Seriously? How does Logan do it? I can't seem to grasp when I'm actually freaking having one. Patton smiled and I laughed. "Got any guesses?"

"Sunkiss mountain resort." He narrowed his eye at me in confusion and I nudged his shoulder. "Complete with its Rainbow Waterfall."

"Wait, you're serious?!" I turned to see Roman sitting there wide-eyed and I frowned. "We're going to Sunkiss. How do you know? Did someone tell you?"

"Kiddo, let's not pressure the poor kid."

"Ok, Everybody off the bus!" Mr. Kjellburg yelled as he rubbed his forehead in pain. I managed to not get hurt thankfully. Of course, I knew the Asshole driving just stopped short already so it wasn't hard. 

"Wow! You got some good intel, Caz." Roman stood there staring at the mountain resort with this huge grin on his face. Yeah well, I'd say seeing the future does give you that. I choked back a laugh at my own thoughts and looked up to see Roman rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly as he stared at the ground. "Hey so... Uh, maybe we could... I thought that..." 

"Hey, Caz." I jumped slightly as someone wrapped there arm around my shoulder and I smiled to see Virgil smiling down at me. "So, What you wanna do first, Partner?" I laughed a Virgil sad excuse for a southern accent and Roman frowned walking away. He never finished what he was going to ask. 

"Well, Honestly, I could sleep." Virgil started laughing as He, Pat, and I started for the Resort hotel.


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