70. The End.

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Cassidy watched as Thomas carried Remus out of the theater with Wilford close behind. His eyes slowly went to Roman who just stood there frozen. Roman was staring at his hands. Every so often his eyes would dart to Cassidy or the burn on the floor where Remus once stood. His mind was in taters and Cassidy didn't know how to help.

"Roman?" The Prince put on a fake smile and Cassidy sighed seeing the pain in his eyes. "Don't lie to me, Roman. I... I don't..." Cassidy clammed up making Roman smile sadly as he walked over pulling his love in.

"It's ok, Cassidy. You don't have to try and force yourself. I love you as you are." Cassidy pushed himself harder into Roman as everything just snapped. He couldn't hold back the tears that practically exploded out as he clung tight to Roman's shirt. "Caz?" He didn't talk. He just held on for dear life as Roman wrapped his arms around him. "It's ok, Love. You're allowed to cry."

"I couldn't... You're l-loc-cation... I f-found it easily." Roman frowned as Cassidy pulled out this sheet of paper. "D-Dark didn't j-just p-put theater." Roman took the paper and frowned seeing all their names. 

"Cassidy just what was going on?" Cassidy felt his knees go weak as Roman held him tighter so he didn't fall.

"I didn't hurt Anti. It wasn't about payback. But Dark didn't get attached so Anti... I LOVE LYING!" Roman frowned as Cassidy pulled away and started to storm out of the theater without waiting, causing Roman to have to run after. As soon as they got outside they were faced with a group of familiar faces. One of which made Roman instantly go on the defense.

"Slow down, Roman." A hand went to Roman's shoulder causing the prince to freeze up as he looked over to see Logan smiling. "He isn't here to hurt anyone. Are you Anti?" The man in question glitched a bit as he shook his head. 

"Besides I already gave him quite the beating." Roman's eyes went wide as he looked over to find another Cassidy just standing there beside the glitch. Actually it wasn't just one other Cassidy but three. "You look confused, Roman."

"Th-theres four of you... how?" Roman's eyes darted between all four of them watching as they all slowly reached up towards their masks and letting them fall. The one beside him, the one that saved him, looked completely normal. However, the other three didn't have Cassidy's usual snake scales. The had what looked like paint splotches on there skin. One was red, another was blue, and the last was purple. The eyes that were supposed to be reptilian simply glowed like a rainbow. 

"I may have borrowed Thomas's power." The blue one said as he smiled. "There was no rule about clones. Just that I had to be there." The three clones shifted and glowed coming together only for the light to hit the one closest to Roman, scaring the prince.

"You should worry... I'm totally not ok?" Roman stood there in shock until he burst out with laughter scaring everyone around him.

"Kiddo?" Patton shared a glance with Logan who shrugged only for Virgil to tense.

"Give him some time... His fear level is off the charts right now." Cassidy frowned as Virgil looked away.

"I'm fine it's just... A lot." Roman calmed himself down a bit although he was still chuckling. "First all that in class and then I get attacked by my brother... It's just a lot."

"I'm sorry." Anti's voice was hardly above a whisper but everyone heard it. "I just... wanted Cassidy to hurt. I wasn't thinking..."

"Anti, I don't understand." Cassidy smiled over at the man as there eyes met. "Our weaknesses aren't an everyday struggle. Mine isn't even that bad and I don't struggle." Anti laughed saddly as he nodded looking down at the ground.

"Yes, well... Ghost and I have the really bad ones. Our blood lust... Remus deal's with his intrusive thought and that can get bad. Then there's host with his nonstop narration, and Dark with his need to be in control... Natemare has his need for chaos... I don't know where I'm going with this."

"Jeez, both of you is dripping with fear. Just what exactly happened Roman?" Roman cringed as Virgil's eyes went wide. "Your fear changed."

"What?" Cassidy stepped away as Roman's eyes went dark. "What are you talking about?"

"Before, I told you, Roman's biggest fear was losing you." Roman shied away as everyone looked over at him. "Now it's... Roman what happened."

"Remus..." Anti's eyes widened as Roman shook slightly. "He has the power to manipulate blood and force thoughts into people's heads." Virgil's eyes moved to Cassidy and wince seeing the burns on his arms.

"I'm gonna kill him!" Dark shadows began to build around Virgil's feet drawing Anti's attention who could help but melt into the familiar chill the anxious one was letting off.

"It's not his fault." Roman yelled snapping Virgil out of it. "If we're forgiving Anti, we have to forgive him too. Remus can't control what he thinks. If what I heard was anything like his..."

"It's not your fault either." Roman's eyes went wide as Cassidy pulled him in. His eyes shined with pride and love as Roman teared up. "It's not your fault this happened."


"I love you, Roman." Before anyone could even blink Cassidy pulled Roman in, locking the man in a kiss that sent the world exploding with lights and energy. Reds, golds, and greens lit up the sky like dancing flames of color and emotion as Roman wrapped his arms around the snake desperate for this to last. Everyone stared in awe at the sight that surrounded the. Virgil even took a video nudging Patton who was fumbling for his phone to take a pic. As Cassidy pulled away Roman frowned pressing his head against Cassidy's as tears fell from his eyes. "I know you to well, Roman. I know what you're afraid of." Cassidy reached up wiping Roman's tears away as he placed a ginger kiss on the man's cheek. "Don't be."

"How can you say that, when it happened? It's not even the first time, Caz. I've hurt you before." Cassidy just smiled up at the man as he held him close.

"You've never truly hurt me though Roman. Sure I've been burnt... but nothing hurts more than the idea of losing you." Roman's eyes narrowed as Cassidy nussled into him. "As long as you stay with me, you'll never hurt me." The snake looked down at the necklace around his neck and smiled.  He looked back up at Roman as he held it tightly and laughed. "You're the reason I even made it this far. You pushed to help me when I had no hope. You and your stupid rocks..."

"Wait those rocks were his?" Roman's eyes filled with confusion as Cassidy nodded beaming over at Logan who smirked. "Now I see why they were so sentimental."

"I'm sorry... can someone explain." Logan laughed as shook his head. Patton took Logan's hand in his startling the logical one who simply smiled back. Virgil sighed as he looked over at Anti who was glitching, clearly wanting to be somewhere else. Or with someone else as he must really miss Dark.

"We should all get going. I don't think Dark is enjoying not knowing..."

"Oh, Shit!" Anti took off running as everyone started laughing. He quickly stopped shoot everyone this look as he shook his head. "If you think Dark getting pissed over his plan not going right is bad... imagine what it would be like if he has no information at all." The air went deafly silent as Anti laughed and started to glitch. "We should get back before he tears the place apart." And with that Anti vanished leaving everyone there in the wake of the madness they had just escaped from.

"He's right you know. We should go." Cassidy started to tug on Roman's arm making the other laugh. "After all, you have a brother to check on."

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