35. Deception On The Rise

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'ROMAN!' I screamed out but nothing. Not so much as a single spark. I was just standing in this inky tar black, tears running down my face. Screaming... I was screaming. I screamed until my throat burned and lungs gave out. And even after all that I screamed some more. I was scared. I was alone. I had no idea where I was. I felt so...

'Hey, Cassidy.' I spun around to see my friends. My... My friends... Roman and Virgil. Patton... and Logan. They were all so happy. Until Roman's smile turned dark that is. 'You lied to me.'

'No, I didn't.' He narrowed his eyes and took a step closer. 'I never meant too..."

'DON'T LIE TO ME!' I flinched hearing the anger in his voice. He just scoffed and shook his head. 'Forget it. It's all you ever do. You're a liar. It's just your nature.'

'N-No... d-don't say that... Roman, please. I lo..." I reeled back feeling the sting on my cheek. I looked back to see the anger in his eyes as he slowly let his hand drop. He slapped me. He actually...

'You're nothing but a manipulative snake. Cold-blooded... liar.' I started to back up as they all tried to inch closer and closer. I turned to run and ended up running into my mother and father.

'Here, Caz.' She handed me my mask with this bright smile and my Father wrapped his arm around her shoulder. They looked so happy. They looked proud. As long as I wore this I can make them happy. 'Never take it off, Son.'

'CASSIDY!' I spun around again to Roman just standing there alone. He looked confused. 'What's wrong? Don't you know you could go crazy?' He walked over and carefully put the mask on me with a smile. 'It's better to pretend your powerless, than risk hurting everyone. Just keep pretending. You'll be safe. We'll all be...'

'CASSIDY WINTERS!' I gripped my hair as the world became so loud. I looked over to see Virgil all cut up and beaten. 'Why, Caz?'

'Why did you do it?' I turned to see Roman behind me bleeding. He looked like a corpse He looked dead and the blood that covered him didn't make it look any different. 'Why did you do this to us?'

'I trusted you, kiddo. You were my son...' I spotted Patton and my heart dropped. He looked even worse than Roman did. I saw him look over just as Logan walked up taking his hand and my blood went cold. His neck... his neck had been cut. Similar to Anti's...

'I thought you were different. I thought you could fight it.' Logan looked away and I stumbled back only to fall on my ass. ' I thought you could beat the insanity. I guess you proved us all wrong.'

'I didn't... I'm sorry. I'm...' Roman grabbed me by the neck and threw me on the floor.

'YOU SHOULD HAVE STAYED LYING. WE WERE SAFER WHEN YOU LIED. WE WERE SAFER WHEN YOU PRETENDED.' He pulled away and held his arms out showing just how damaged he was. Just how dead he was. 'Now look at us. You did this, Caz. You killed us.'

'NO!' I screamed out gripping my hair so tight I nearly pulled it out.

'You're pathetic.' I looked up to see Roman again, this time healthy and normal. He crossed his arms and shook his head. 'You're nothing but a pathetic liar. Completely damaged...' He knelt down in front of me with a scowl and I frowned. 'Do me a favor, Caz. Do not EVER tell the truth. The moment you do... That's when we all get hurt.'

He vanished into the black and once again I was just left there alone. Their words filling my head, playing over and over, as I sat there and cried. Don't tell the truth. Keep on pretending. The truth only hurts them. You only hurt them. Hide... Lie... You're a liar...

You're Deceit.

"Cassidy?" I slowly opened my eyes to find myself still in a hospital bed and I frowned. I looked over to see Roman standing there with a few doctors and I narrowed my eyes in confusion. "They need to go over a few things with you. Is that ok?"

"Do I have a choice?" I laughed a little as the one with the head mirror walked over with this clip bored and I frowned. "What's going on?"

"Well, there's no good way to say this so I'm just gonna come out and say it... You're dying." My eyes went wide and I looked around at everyone in complete fear. Roman facepalmed as the other doctor was just shaking his head.

"Dr. Iplier must you scare every patient?" I was at a loss for words. How could I be dying? I mean I did feel like total crap. My head was spinning. My chest was heavy and everything hurt but I was awake. You'd think if I was dying I wouldn't have woken up right? RIGHT?

"Don't worry, Young Man." I looked up at Dr. Iplier... the one that just said I was dying... and he smiled. "You aren't dying. I only say that as a buffer. If you believe yourself to be dying and fearful your life is over than finding out it's not as bad makes even the grimmest of prognosis a little more tolerable. And finding out that there's absolutely nothing wrong with you would feel like a miracle." He beamed as he tossed the clipboard away and I just shrunk into the blankets.

"So... I'm not dying?"

"Nope, just the opposite. Your heart is strong. Your lungs are good. Your cuts, bruises, and burns are nearly healed and there is no infection. You're completely healthy." I smiled looking at the too doctors.

"That's good, since I feel great and all so..." My eyes fell hearing those words leave my mouth. Why did I...

"We do need to inform you about the possibility of mental strain." My eyes went wide as the other Doctor crossed his arms sighing. "I'm afraid with the stress you put on yourself from all those years of suppressing you may have only accelerated the process or worse."

"You're worried I went crazy?" I laughed again but his expression remained serious. I made me very nervous.

"Not everyone goes crazy. I know of a case in particular where a man resorted to rage and manipulation because of the strain. You may not go crazy, Cassidy. But we need to be sure everything is well. I recommend a psychological examination..." I just looked at my hands as they began to shake. "Do have a Doctor you would prefer or..."

"No." I narrowed my eyes as I spoke. "I don't."

"Hey what about that one doctor, Caz. From back when you were younger... What was his name again?" I looked over at Roman and felt my throat close. His name is Dr. Emile Picani...

"I don't remember." I forced my words through a smile and felt my eyes begin to well up. "I don't remember ever having one."

"Yeah no... you did." Roman looked up at me with concerned eyes and I looked away. "Picani... That's it. I think Mrs. Winters said his name was Emile Picani."

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