60. My Love... (Dark)

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To say I was proud of the snake would be... accurate, unfortunately. He took control of the situation and 'suggested' the training to be over and all classes to be canceled. He went from scared little snek to boss ass serpent! It aggravated me how I was actually happy to see him take charge.

This changes nothing. This development means nothing. Who cares if he has mental strain and I... I...

He isn't like the others. They never hurt Anti. They never went that far. I can't let my pull drag me down. This isn't about that. This is about revenge. I never should have let myself fall for it again. What is with the strained and their unnatural ability to make an ally out of me. He is not like them. He hurt Anti. HE HURT SAM!

I froze up feeling the tears fall from my eyes as I just stood there in hall. Sam... He was lying there in that hospital bed. We were lucky. My cousin would never let me down. No matter what I do, Caleb was always by my side. His husband... he took a little more convincing but Henrik couldn't just let his family die. Sam looked so broken. His body was covered in ash and burns. 

I leaned back against the wall desperately trying to reign in my aura as the anger flared through me. Anti didn't glitch fast enough. He didn't get away in time and Cassidy nearly took him from me. I almost lost him because of that snake... THAT MAN IS GOING TO REGRET IT!

I don't care about the mental strain. I don't care about... about the way... the... God damn it. This was why Anti always laughed at me. 'Find a new pet, babe?' he'd say as I'd come home with someone tagging behind. Say what you will... I am not weak. I just have a soft spot for the strained. There mentally broken incapable of caring for themselves fully... abandoned by all because they're dangerous. They need someone who understands them and doesn't judge the blood on their hands. Maybe I am a bit weak.

"Now that's a sight I don't like seeing." I jumped at the sudden sound of his voice beside me. Next, I knew I was being shoved into an empty room. I was stunned. The man before me was bandaged up... his arms legs and even throat as he, no doubt, scratched at it way too much from nerves. His bright blue eyes stared at me with unbridled feeling as I held onto his hand. It was scared he would just blow away with the wind... like he wasn't even here.

"Sam?" He just laughed, albeit raspy and short as it must have hurt him a bit.

"Wow, you must have missed me Dark, if you're calling me by my real name." He's alive... and he better... and he standing right in front of me. "Dark?" I couldn't help but smile.

"You're up?" He nodded squeezing my hand tighter. 

"Henrik's not happy. He said I should've rested longer but that husband of his was pissing me off. Kept saying I was dying..." I just laughed as he pouted a bit. "If I didn't get out of there pretty sure he would've been the one dying."

"Caleb never was one to lay off the 'your dying' shtick. I am grateful you didn't kill him though. Now if it was William... I might have even helped." His eyes shined with a sort of electrical energy. I knew what that meant. He was snapping. He needed violence and I could assume on who. And I HATED how that made me worried... for that stupid snake. Why couldn't I have just killed him right then and there? No, I had to get attached. Stupid attachment to the strained... "Hun? How are you really?"

"Itching..." His voice was soft as he reached up towards his neck only to freeze and frowned. "I want him to burn Darky."

"I know Sam. I do to do... but..." His eyes narrowed as I looked away. I wasn't lying. I wanted him to burn. I wanted Cassidy to scream in agony. I wanted his heart ripped out in such a way so that he could watch as it stopped beating. I wanting him to suffer for causing Anti to suffer... For nearly taking him away from me, but... "I can't do it."

"W̶̮̺̪̿̃̉h̶̩̑ǎ̵͜t̴̗̗͑ͅ?̵̢̛̭͕͆̋" No matter how pissed I am... No matter how much I want to see them writhing in pure torment in a lake of their own blood... I can't hurt the strained. I guess you could say that that's my weakness. The strained... and Sam.

"He's got mental strain, Sam." His eyes went wide as he let go of my hand in a fit of glitches.

"N̴o̴,̵ ̸D̴a̸r̸k̶.̷ ̷H̸e̸ ̶d̷o̶e̶s̴n̶'̷t̷ ̸g̶e̴t̸ ̷t̴o̵ ̵g̶e̸t̷ ̷o̸f̸f̸ ̷t̸h̷e̶ ̵h̴o̵o̵k̶.̵ ̸H̵e̷ ̵a̵l̵m̵o̸s̶t̸ ̶k̴i̶l̴l̶e̵d̶ ̷m̴e̷.̸ S̶̛̩̉͜O̴̻̔M̷͎͉̂̾͠E̸͈̿̑O̷̳̠̹̓N̷̰̮͌̕Ę̴̎̄ ̶̬͔͂̽Ņ̴͖̪̊͝Ę̴̱̽E̸̟͛̈́̂͜D̴͖̂S̷̠͋ ̸̠͖̼̽̑T̸̫̈́O̶̮̜̊ ̴͔͌B̴̭̽̈́L̸̲͓̤̇̓Ẽ̷̳̝Ẹ̴͒̒͘D̵͓̺̈̈́͋ ̵͉̓͜F̵̺͌́̅Ô̴̞͔̘͗̽R̷̥͖̂̃̏ ̶̞̝͍͗̀T̴͚̜͇̊̑Ḥ̷̎̄͘I̶̡̙͗Ṡ̷̯̚!̵̢͈͑̎" He yelled out throwing a knife back in anger causing it to stick into an anatomy mannequin. I watched as electricity sparked off the blade dangerously, burning the plastic lightly before fizzing out. "S̸o̷m̷e̸o̸n̶e̴ ̴h̸a̶s̸ ̸t̶o̶ ̵p̶a̷y̷ ̸D̷a̴m̷i̴e̵n̶!̸ ̵I̴ ̵d̷i̷d̶ ̴N̸O̶T̶ ̶g̸e̷t̵ ̶b̸l̷o̶w̸n̶ ̴u̸p̵ ̵f̵o̴r̵ ̵n̴o̶t̸h̶i̷n̸g̴.̷ ̸I̵ ̸d̴i̸d̶ ̶N̵O̴T̴ ̶s̴u̷f̷f̶e̴r̴ ̵t̶h̸r̸o̴u̵g̶h̵ ̶D̵r̷.̵ ̵I̵p̸l̶i̷e̶r̷s̵ ̶c̶o̴n̸s̵t̵a̵n̴t̵ ̴d̸y̸i̵n̸g̴ ̷j̷o̸k̷e̷s̸ ̵a̸n̴d̶ ̶S̷h̷n̴e̶e̷p̸s̷ ̷b̸a̷d̵g̸e̸r̸i̸n̶g̸ ̷t̴o̵ ̴b̴e̷ ̷t̶o̷l̴d̴ ̷I̵ ̵c̸a̸n̸'̴t̴ ̵t̷o̵u̷c̴h̴ ̷h̵i̴m̵.̸ ̵T̷H̶E̸R̵E̸ ̶N̵E̴E̵D̷S̷ ̸T̷O̸ ̷B̵E̶ ̸B̶L̴O̵O̷D̵!"

"And there will be hun. All I'm saying is I can't do it. I tried. " His eyes fell slightly as I sighed. His expression softened to realization as he took my hand again. "I came here specifically to watch him burn but... All I did was help him. "

"I won't hurt your pet, Damien." He looked away as the tension built up. I could see how much he hated making a promise like that. "But I am serious. I can't... I N̷̨̬̣̄̀̀Ȩ̶̥̇Ě̵̳͜D̵̜̯͛ to hurt someone."

"He has friends." His eyes lit up and I smiled seeing him already shaking in excitement. "4 of them. Patton Harris, Logan Rhymes, Virgil Waterson, and Roman Price."

"Price? Like Re..." I nodded and his smile grew even more. "That's Mr. 476 isn't it?"

"Yes, he is. I take it you already have something in mind." He was giddy. His hands twitched slightly as if aching for the chance to stab something as he just giggled. "We're going to need some friends for this aren't we?"

"I̵ ̷a̵l̴r̴e̶a̵d̸y̵ ̸h̵a̶v̷e̶ ̶p̶e̸o̵p̵l̶e̸ ̵i̷n̶ ̵m̷i̴n̵d̷.̶"

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