24. Small Steps Still Start Us Somewhere

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"First you need to be honest. What powers do you have?" Mr. Felix sat us both down in this clearing far away from the others and I frowned. "I can't help if I don't know."

"What powers do you have?" He laughed and I rolled my eyes. "I'm serious." He just ran a hand through his hair still laughing an I shook my head. "I just want to know what I'm getting into." I started to take one of my gloves off and he narrowed his eyes.

"Comrade connection, Brofists, and champion creation." I sighed as I just stared at my hands watching them twitch. "Care to explain..." I took his hand and his eyes went wide. "... what this is about?"

"Sorry..." I pulled my hand back and carefully put my glove back on smiling. "I figured it would be better to..." Suddenly I was seeing Roman standing there in front of me. He was just standing there, eyes closed and lost in whatever he was doing. Focusing maybe? The thing was, even though I could clearly see him right there. I knew he wasn't. I was sitting on the ground in front of Mr. Felix. I could feel the grass beneath me. I narrowed my eyes as Roman looked over towards me and smiled until his eyes went wide and I shook myself from my thoughts. "What the fuck was that?"

"What..." I jumped up and started to pace trying to think things over. "Cassidy?"

"The only thing I can think of is maybe the comrade connection?" He looked at me with confusion and I stopped pacing. "I saw Roman. He was just standing there. It was like I was in front of him but I knew I wasn't. What exactly is that..."

"I have the ability to look through my comrade's eyes. Hear what they hear. Feel what they feel. But that's my power... a personal power." I raised my hand and his eyes went wide. "Wait you can..."

"Power mimicry. I would like to know what Roman was doing but that isn't important." He narrowed his eyes as he watched me intently and I frowned. "It's the only other power that works fine with the mask on. Superintelligence aside."

"So what's the major one you want to work on besides mimicry?" I looked away thinking of Roman again and I frowned seeing him pop into my mind. I could see he was upset. Whoever h was talking to was really upsetting him. He... He was practically crying. "Cassidy?"

"What?" Mr. Felix started to look sad and I shook myself from my thoughts. "Sorry. Uh... I guess. That would be Manipulation. E-Energy manipulation." His eyes went wide and I sighed. "I'm guessing You know about Roman's new power?" He nodded and I looked down at my hands. "Yeah... that another reason I need to get a hold of this. I can't keep... I can't..."

"Here!" I looked up just in time to see a small rock getting thrown at me and I freaked out. I still managed to catch it but still. I looked at him confused and he smiled. "Close your eyes." I started to shake my head but he gave me this stern look and I stopped. "Take your gloves off and close your eyes." I listened, much to my anxiety, and cringed feeling his hands clasped over mine. He held my hands up in his as I closed my eyes. "I need you to feel the air around you. Try to focus on the energy that surrounds you."

"That's easier..." I stopped short remembering what Patton had said and I took a deep breath. I shut my eyes tighter as I tried to focus but I didn't really know what I was focusing on. At first, there would just be these... I don't know what to call it. I guess a pull maybe. His hands felt warm against mine and the rock felt cold. I could feel the difference between them. Just as I could hear the difference in the air. There was this slight and subtle hum that didn't sound like the one I normally hear. I moved my hands, dropping the rock and holding Mr. Felix's tighter in my own grasp. He didn't even make a move. He just sat there waiting. 

I could feel this static around his hands... blue... That's what I'm getting. This blue energy reaching out for me. wrapping around my hand, and suddenly. I was looking at myself. I could see me just sitting there holding Mr. Felix's hands... I was seeing me through him. I opened my eyes so fast and the vision was gone. Mr. Felix just raised an eyebrow and I smiled. The last time I did anything with energy I completely destroyed a boulder.

"So?" I smiled wider and he laughed. "I don't know how to take that?"

"Bra ... Bara bra." He nodded smiling and he handed me the rock again.

"Let's go again then. Fokus och andetag." I took the rock and he held my hands again. I closed my eyes and repeated what he said. Focus and breath. Just.. focus and breath.

"Cassidy!" I jumped dropping the rock and Mr.Felix frowned, picking it up and putting it in my hoodie pocket. I looked over to see Roman and Virgil walking over to us. He seemed very worried... and confused. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing." I mouthed a thank you to the teacher and jumped up only to be pulled into a VERY rough hug. I frowned as I squirmed trying to push myself out of Roman's grasp and Virgil just stood there frowning at us both. When I finally got free Mr. Felix had gotten up and was brushing himself off again. "I was just asking Mr. Kjellberg a few questions." Roman narrowed his eyes and I just laughed punching him in the arm lightly as Mr. Felix joined me in laughing.

"I hope I was able to help." I nodded and he smiled. "Well, ok then. You all can go enjoy your day class is going to be dismissed so..." Roman practically started to drag me away and Mr.Felix just shook his head smiling. "I'll be seeing you, Cassidy. We have to discuss."

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