58. Serpentine

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Reality seemed to flood back into Sean as he blinked away the sudden haze his mind had gotten. He had been attempting to sneak attack the snake but seeing as Cassidy was staring at him with arms crossed, he obviously failed. They don't even know his powers, the attempt was doomed to fail from the start. Sean looked around confused at everything going on. Dan was putting distance between himself and gho... no. That isn't Ghost, is it?

Now is not the time to be dealing with this, the teacher thought to himself. He had a part to play. Until Mark gives up the students are the enemies. Sean glanced over for a split second seeing two Thomas's give him this look. A smile formed on the septic teacher's face as he realized what was he meant by it. Cassidy was his target. 

Cassidy's eyes went wide as he just nearily dodged Seans attack. He could hear Damien in the background yelling out to him but he needed to focus on the teacher, not his overprotective friend right now. Sean's eyes were a septic green, just like Anti's. Something seemed to snap in Caz as those eyes bared down on him. His mind twisted around him churning up thoughts of anger and hate. Anti had hurt Roman. That glitch had gone after Roman. HIS ROMAN. And here this teacher was with those same eyes. The only difference was both Sean's eyes were septic. It didn't seem to matter to the snake. He was only seeing Anti's insane grin as he clenched his fists tightly. 

A deep guttural hiss burned through Cassidy's lips as the teacher tried to attack him again. His mind had completely shut down. He wasn't Cassidy anymore. No. His mind only saw those green eyes and found itself a target. Sean lashed out faster than the serpent had anticipated causing him to misstep and wince at the sharp pain in his arm. Blood slowly trickled down his yellow shirt staining a deep crimson. He needed to think fast. His only thoughts were of beating his target. He needed to swap out his mimic. He needed to be able to make sure he stayed on his feet. 

"Jimmy hands up!" The snake called out as he took off running much to Sean's surprise. The crazed man looked dazed as he stopped fighting only momentarily in confusion. Caz shot Damien a look as the darker man smiled brightly. Suddenly dark discs appeared in front of him with every step pushing him higher until Jimmy reached up and Caz jumped over him, feet high in the air as he flipped. Cassidy's fingers brushed against Jimmy's sending a spark through his blood as he landing in a crouched position, a wicked grin on his lips as his wounds healed.

"Sssso going to enjoy thissss." His voice was thick with an almost serpentine accent as both his eyes started to glow yellow. His scales branched out similar to sasukes curse mark in Naruto. "Sssstand guard, Jack." Sean tensed up hearing the nickname he hadn't heard in so long only to freak as Deceit vanished from sight. He was even faster than Sean could track. However, he caught a slight glance of something just in time to throw up a guard to block Deceit. It was clear Cassidy wasn't quite in control at the moment. "Sssso fassst."

"Well, I did always say speed is key." Deceit smiled as his eyes flashed deviously. They broke for only a moment before Deceit's foot connected with the side of Sean's ear, sending him flying into a building. 

"Sssso is ssstrategy." Damien only spared Caz a pacing glance as he dodged the two Thomas's. He could see the grips of anger grasping at the serpent tightly as he fought. He had a familiar look in his eyes that made Dark almost smile. It was more than obvious now as the constant pull got stronger. The reason he felt so protective of the snake despite his rage and need for revenge. Cassidy was in fact just like him and his soldiers. Just like him and his love... He had mental strain. That was why he couldn't help when he lied. That was why he was so violent now. Something triggered him.

He through up another shield feeling the light crack against it sending sharp shocks through his arms. Damien was losing his grip. Using Darks powers so much was causing issues but Dark was the only one with offensive power. He was taking a risk tapping into his demon side but it was starting to get too much. The fact that it was taking this much out of him just to fight one lousy teacher was fraying at the man's nerves. Dark could overpower every single one of them no problem. But Damien was not as strong. He was forced to rely on his manipulation. And Celine, she was no better off. Her grasp on spell work was stronger but her foresight was all she had working towards her power wise. Dark really was the strongest form they had.

Damien sidestepped around the blue Thomas right before he could attack as forced his elbow back against the teacher's neck. It was a good thing he had actual combat training too. Right as Blue fell to the ground out cold Red attempted to strick him. It didn't work. Damien pushed Reds arm up just as the blast nearly hit his shoulder causing it to fire into the sky. The darker man brought his fist hard into Reds gut causing him to gasp out and bent only for Damien to repeat what he did to Blue. Both Thomas fell to the ground and within seconds he was whole again... but awake. As Damien went to assist his partners Thomas truly saw why Cassidy had pushed all the other away. 

They were far too strong. In a moment of anxious relization, Thomas stumbled to his feet and pierced his lips. This was merely training. He knew this but he still had a part to play. So he held his arm high in the sky and did the one this left he could do. He called for backup.

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