69. What about Princey?

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Remus smiled as he looked over at his brother. Roman fucking Price... Who knew that when Anti called him it would be to go after his brother? Part of him is great just to see him again. It's been so long after he left. He didn't think he would get the chance again. But then theres that side... his weakness... the part of him that's telling him just to do it already. That he could kill Roman now and show everyone just who's the stronger brother. 

"Whatever this... Cassidy guy did to Anti... I feel sorry you have to take the fall for him." Remus frowned over at Roman, who he had strapped into a spinning wheel. "I feel sorry you were given to me as well. Had it been anyone else maybe your last moment might 'ave been... less degrading." Remus jumped onto the stage overlooking the theater he had brought them to. "Do you remember this place, Brother? It was where I snapped. I remember it so well, considering I've forgotten so much. It was so loud. I couldn't take it. Everyone just wouldn't shut up and then there was you. My dear older brother... the prince of the family. The perfect powerful knight... You watched as I broke with tears in your eyes."

"People screamed just adding to the chaos. I was drowning... DROWNING IN MY OWN POWER! And you did nothing to help me. You could have done something!" Remus summoned a knife and used it to push the unconscious hero's face up to look at him better. "You should have done something. It doesn't matter if it was small or not. I was terrified and you stood there frozen. My whole body turned to blood just so that I could try to escape it all but I couldn't. I couldn't escape because the chaos that was outside only ended up mirrored on the inside."

"Growing up, I've learned to accept that there was nothing that could have changed it. I had snapped and that was it but... You should have been there for me. We were brothers Roman. You promised me! You told me you didn't care. When Father started to distance us before I snapped saying it was inevitable. You told me it wouldn't change a thing. You said you would still be there to protect me. To pull me back if I needed it. YOU SAID YOU CARED ABOUT ME!" Remus punched his brother's chest in anger as tears fell from his eyes. "You told me nothing would ever make you pull away yet... your eyes never looked at me the same way. You never even called me your brother anymore. You left me to deal with Father's ridicule. 'How could a Price ever snap?' 'I knew you weren't strong enough to handle your powers.' According to him, I was the weakest."

"You did nothing to defend me. You avoided me at all costs. When I turned to you for help with my weakness, you pushed me aside. I was alone. I was abandoned by you Roman." Remus laughed as he stepped away and smiled sadly. "And you aren't even awake to hear any of this." 

Remus sighed as he looked down at his watch and frowned. The hour was nearly over. He might as well put on his usual act to entertain the others. Why bother at this point? He was so done with his weakness. It wasn't fun hearing all those thoughts in his head. He was a fucking Price after all. He was raised on the principles of being a damn hero. He loved the thought of the brotherly duo fighting crime together but that will never happen. Not when every time he tried to do something good his mind told him to fuck it all up. 

See a kid lost and alone. Should I help them find their parents... No, let's scare them to death. See a woman get her purse stolen. Should I help? Sure... but only after I've stolen anything valuable. See my brother standing there oblivious and lost in thought... I could kill him and be done with it...

The mental and demented Remus Price... The Duke. That was who he was. That was who he was forced to become just to live with his weakness. He couldn't fight his thoughts alone... so he had to accept them as who he was. Without help... he truly broke.

Maybe that was why he left. He always laughed and said Roman couldn't handle him but in reality it was Remus who couldn't take it. He couldn't take the bullying from his Father. He couldn't take the silence from his brother. He could take any of it. 

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