64. A New Development

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It was Saturday morning and there were no classes for the majority of the students. They all would go off and spend their weekends however they pleased. This particular morning Patton found himself at the store. He and Roman were out of quite a lot of things as there had been so much going on emotionally that neither one wanted to go out. It couldn't have been avoided any longer. Patton was out of his cookies.

The fatherly man found himself skimming down the isles lost in his thoughts. Class the other day had been... difficult. It took everything Patton had not to chase after Cassidy as he ran. He could tell something was up but he also knew the kiddo needed space. Roman was a mess. He was blaming himself for being so cross with Caz but Virgil kept trying to calm him down

Patton smiled as he reached out for a box of choco puffs. They weren't his favorite but he's been slowly starting to choco-zy up to them. Patton laughed as he placed it into the cart. He had gotten everything he needed so... he headed to toys. No real reason he did so. He just likes to look at what amazing things they come up with. Plus he tends to go home with a new stuffy or two.

There were bears and dolls. There were cats and dogs. There were plush ducks and ones based on movies and games. He knew he was going to end up buying another on but he couldn't decide there was just so many. He started to reach out towards this white and pink fox only to freeze as someone cleared their throat.

"Oh, I don't think you want Mangle." Patton frowned as he turned to see this man with blue streaked down his cheeks. "I suggest... Marionette." The man held out his hand as a small doll floated above it. It looked like a little puppet. The man smiled as Patton took it in his hands. He had to admit it was cool looking and he knew he didn't have anything like it at home. But... looking around he could see there weren't any others. 

"Don't you want it, Mister?" Patton asked as he frowned at the lack of puppets on the shelves.

"Oh don't worry about me, Patton." Patton tensed up as the man's voice went dark. He never gave him his name. He could feel a chill down his back as he slowly started to back up only to find these threads tied around his wrists and ankles. "I'll just get a new puppet." 

"Let me go!" Patton cried out feeling the thread tighten around him. He could feel his energy dropping fast as the man just laughed.

"Not going to happen Pat. I've got quite the performance lined up." His smile twisted as these shadows slowly rose up around to the. "I do hope you... enjoy the show!"

"The host is glad to see Natemare was successful in apprehending his target." Host stood there beside a tree facing some random direction. He had been tuning into the narration of the others while he waited patiently for his target to show up. "Virgil Waterson exits the school with art supplies in hand. Walking towards the pond he spots a nice place to just paint and relax. Virgil sets up his easel beside the dock as ducks pass by. He waves with a smile before stopping to take in the view... The host is confused at to why Virgil would wave to ducks." 

Virgil was indeed waving at ducks. Maybe Patton had rubbed off of him. It was all pretty stressful. Cassidy was struggling and Roman wasn't any better. It was only making Virgils nerves fray. He needed a break. So the anxious man thought he would paint. The scene in front of him was gorgeous, what with the gold and purple sunset mixing with the light reflecting off the water. It was breathtaking. Logan might even enjoy this one hanging up in the dorm. God knows the logical one could use some color. Their dorm was too bland. He wouldn't even let Virgil decorate for Halloween. 

Virgil had managed to paint the majority of the sky when his skin began to crawl. He felt like his arms were confined bound around him and unable to move. Clothe rubbed against his skin like a... Like a straight jacket. He couldn't breathe. All he could see where padded white walls... Who... Who's fear was this?!

"The host finds his target lost in shock." Virgil's eyes went wide as he turned to see a man in bloody bandages and a dirty sugar cookie colored trench coat. The man was a robot. He showed no emotion in the slightest as he faced Virgil. Virgil was drowning in the intense fear he was reading. "The host wants to ask if Virgil is alright but that would defeat the purpose. Perhaps the host should get this over with quickly."

"Wha..." Virgil cried out as these wraps bound him up, only to be muffled as cloth covered his mouth. Tears were falling from the anxious man's eyes only to soak into the wraps the bound him causing his mouth to taste all salty. For the first time in a long while, a small hint of a smile reached Arther's lips as he reached out grabbing hold of the bound up target.

"The host informs Virgil he is not the only one to be taken. The host can see Virgil's friend Roman being stalked closely by one of the host's partners." As with every narration, the host was correct. Roman was being stalked but the poor man was so lost in thought he didn't notice.

"Why did Cassidy run off like that? I mean... I don't know." Roman was walking down the hallway to his dorm room completely lost in thought. He was feeling incredibly guilty. He wasn't even really upset over missing a free day. He was just upset that Cassidy had been the culprit. He thought that they had worked through everything. Not that Caz didn't have plenty enough reason to get back at Roman, he just wanted to know why. Was Caz still upset? Had Roman not done enough to prove to him he cares? He just didn't understand any of this at all. It worried him so much more when Cassidy closed himself off again. Roman wanted nothing more than to break down the door and carry him off to a place where his worries and fears could never touch him.

Roman sighed as all his frustration burned through him. He slowly opened his door only to tense up as the sudden spark of energy. A sickly pickled shit green orb floated in front of my eyes and I froze... wait... Pickled... Pickled poo

"BOO!" Roman spun around just in time to catch sight of a familiar face before everything went dark.

"ROMAN!" Logan jumped up startling everyone around him as his vision cleared. Everything he just saw... His foresight had shown him his friends all getting attacked. But there was no Cassidy. He had to go make sure the snake was ok but before he could he felt the tight grip of someone hands around his arm.

"Going somewhere?" Damien... Logan tensed up as the darker man slowly led him out of the library. It wasn't until they got out of public sight did Damien release the logical man from his grip.

"Villian." Logan's voice was growl as his anger burned through him. Damien simply frowned in annoyance.

"Harsh... but correct." A pair of arms wrapped around Damien's torso as an eruption of giggles came from behind. Logan was worried. His friends were being picked off and here he was with Damien Fischbach... No... He's with...

"Darky, are we all set?" Dark and Anti... Anti smiled as Dark nodded. Logan was thinking of ways to get out of this but he was not one for strategy. That was Cassidy... Lightning shot out from the glitches arm sending volts through Logan body causing his mind to shut down. He was even aware he had fallen. All he saw was black before it overtook him. 

Meanwhile, someone was standing there staring at them all as he watched with seething hate. Damien... His overprotective friend. Or at least he had thought that he was. Now all he saw was the dark demon that had came to hurt him and Roman. The glitch laughed as he picked up Lo only to freeze with a look of pure euphoria when spotted the man watching.

"Ȍ̸̠͠h̵͍͛̊ ̶̑ͅĺ̵̜̕ọ̸̫͐ő̵̦̆k̸̨̧̿.̴̙͎͂.̴̡̰̎̌.̶̗͇̓ ̷̢̇͝A̷̫̹͗ ̵̞̓s̸̨̪͋͘n̷͇̏ä̸͙̥k̴͉̓̀e̶̟͝.̸̢̛"

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