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Rousta Cafè
It's a busy day for Rosie's cafe today. "Its almost 7. We need to send the cake right away!" said the manager of the cafè. "Rosie?" the manager asked. "Yes?" she replied with a straight face. "Go change. You are in charge of this cake. Then, your shift are over. You can get home early.." said the manager. Rosie only can hold back her smile, "Okay. I understand" she replied as she go to her locker and change her clothes.

(Rosie's outfit)

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(Rosie's outfit)

"I'm going home! I'm going home! Hooray!!" she singing happily. As she exchange her clothes, she immediately go to the counter to look at the cake before it gets wrapped. "Woah.. It's so pretty.." as she read the word above the cake.. "Suck..on..my..dic-" she shocked as she looked at the last word. "Oh my! Did I just said it out loud?!" she looked around. "What a dirty words!!" she scoffs. "What's wrong, Rosie?" her co-worker asked her with questionable look. "Nah..nothing I just read what was written on the cake haha!!" she awkwardly laughs. "Ahhh.. Well, when the youngsters made a party.." her co-worker briefly explain. Rosie just smiled. "Here's the cake. Take care & careful with the cake, Rosie!!" her co-worker passing her the cake. "Oki dokie, Unnie.." as she bring the cake and left the cafe.


"Where's the cake?" Jimin asking his maid. "It's on it way, Sir.." his maid replied. "Okay.. As soon as the cake arrived, please put at infront okay.." Jimin request. "Okay, Sir" his maid replied and left.

"I didn't know that you will inviting like the whole U, Hyung.." Jungkook asked in unbelievable. "Of course.. It look happier, right?" he replied with smirk plastered on his face. Suddenly, Taehyung put his hand on Jimin & Jungkook shoulders and whispered. "Look at those chicks.. Did they know that they look hot to look like that?" he asking both of them. "I'll sure that you will sleep with one of them tonight, Tae" as Jimin stared at the girls.

But for Jungkook, he saw the girl with casual outfit while bringing a box of cake?  "Oh, did she knew that what kind of outfit that she wears?" Jungkook murmured under his breath. "Sorry, what did you say?" Taehyung asked. "Nothing hyung.. I'll be right back.." as Jungkook stood up from his seat and left Jimin and Taehyung hanging. "Hey! Where are you going?" Seokjin yelled at Jungkook. "Restroom!!" as he replied back while not looking back. "What a rude attitude.." Seokjin said as Namjoon just laughed at him. "I bet he must be doing something..." Jimin said to Taehyung. "Me too.. What a greedy" Taehyung chuckled.

"Oh.my.god.. why they are so many people here with...bikinis?" Rosie said in unbelievable. "God, I'm so sorry for what I did tonight.." as she looked around. She was trying to not look at those girls without clothes and bumped into someone. "Oh no! I'm sorry... I'm so sorryyyy!!" she nervously apologised. "Hey hey, it's okay.." the guy replied with a smile. Rosie just pouted her lips as she doesn't know what to react. "Hey? Are you okay?" the guy asked her with his bunny smile. "Yea.. yeah I'm okay.. I just got lost here.. Are you owner of this house?" Rosie asked him in confuse. "No. This was my friend's house.. Why?" the guy asked. "Really?? So, actually there are someone who made an ordered about this cake, so I don't know where I want to put this.. Even the kitchen either the owner, I can't find tho.." she replied nervously. "Hey hey.. Relax.. I'll show you the way..." the guy made an offered. "Really? Thank you.. Since you are a friend of the owner.. Yeah of course you know the way haha!!" she replied awkwardly. The guy only could smile with her behaviour.

"Thank you for helping btw.. I'll take my leave now.." the girl said. "So early? Let's have fun here first.." Jungkook said with smiling face. "Nah.. It's okay.. it's not my thing.." she replied  worriedly. "So, you are not a party person?" Jungkook asked with his eyebrows frowning. "Nope.." she replied while looking around. "I bet you are uncomfortable.. btw, what's your name?" Jungkook asked her while scanning her face & body. "Uh.. Rosie. It's Rosie.." while looking at her watch. "I'm Jungkook.. Nice to meet you, Rosie.." Jungkook took out his hand for a handshake. "Me too.." she accepted the handshake. "I'll leave now.." as she turned her back to make a way to the door. "Take care!" Jungkook said while smiling. "Rosie huh? What a hot body you got" Jungkook said to himself and chuckled.


I'm so sorry guys if there any grammatical mistakes or typos. I'm not used writing in english, so hope all of you understand. I'll try my best in writing!! Thanks for reading btw!! xx

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