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J Hospital

Rosie has been hospitalised for almost one weeks. Her mom have been taking care of her since she was unconscious. She open her eyes slowly, feel the hurt in her head and can't move her legs well.

"My love.." her mom said whispering while rubbing her hair gently. "I'll call a doctor" she continue as she left from the room. Rosie scanning the atmosphere around her. It's cozy and quiet. The doctor and nurses come in but her mom waiting at outside.

The doctor check her blood pressure and her pulse and the nurse writing something on the paper. "Miss Roseanne, are you feeling okay?" the doctor asked. She just humming. "Your blood pressure are still low. And, you need a lot of rest, okay?" The doctor stated. She just nodded. "We take a leave now" the doctor smile at her. As they left, her mom coming in.

"My love, are you feeling okay?" her mom asked her worriedly. "Yeah.. I'm okay" her voice is still weak as she replied. "I'm sorry for what happened" her mom apologies. "Mom, it's okay. It already happened, right? Don't blame the fate" she intertwine her hand with her mom's hand. Her mom wiping her tears. "I cook something for you today. Your favourite food" as her mom taking out a container in the bag. "Tada" her mom said while smiling. "Your favourite dumpling soup!" she continue. Rosie just smiling at her mom behaviour. For her, it feel so good to have her around. "Eat now, let me help you. I know you are hungry right now" her mom chuckled as she help Rosie getting up from the bed.

Her mom feeding her to eat as she waiting for her reaction. "Mmmmm. So yummy! I missed you cook!" Rosie said while smiling. "I'm glad that you love it" her mom said, smilingly. "Mom? What make me don't love your cuisines?" she glared at her mom, making a face. "I know I know. I'm just joking" her mom hug her. "I love you, Roseanne." "I love you too, Mom. Thank you for existing. You mean a world to me" she smile, trying to hold back her tears. Both of them just hugging, feeling the love at the moment.

<1worldwide handsome and his 6ugly chicks Chatroom>

NJ: I can't contact her
JM : at all?
JK : who?
KTH : who?
YGM : Who, Namjoon?
NJ : Rosie
JK : What's wrong with her?
JHS : U did something bad to her, didn't you?
NJ : No, I'm not doing anything wrong
JK : Did you already trying to reach her or something?
JM : How many days have she's been missing?
NJ : It's almost one weeks!
JK : What?!
JHS : What? She didn't pick up your calls, like at all?
NJ : Yeah @JHS
YGM : You know where's her home?
NJ : I know
JK : Let's go there
NJ : useless
JM : Why?
KTH : why?
NJ : I don't know which one is her house. I just dropped her at her neighbourhood
JIN : stupid
NJ : wHat?! @JIN
JIN : You should follow her
NJ : I didn't even think about that hyung
YGM : check her background
JK : should I check?
KTH : no need you hoe @JK
JK : what?
NJ : My instinct said something bad happen to her
JM : someone's worry
JK : I swear, Park Jimin
JM : Okay okay relax you jerk
NJ : no kidding around
YGM : 🙄
JIN : Did the ladies have her number?
NJ : I don't know? Ask them
JIN : I did. But Jisoo said she never respond to her text these days
NJ : Hyung, she didn't pick up my calls too @JIN 🙄
KTH : I'll ask Jennie later
JM : Yeri said the last time she saw Rosie posted something on SNS was one weeks ago
NJ : what did she post?
JM : I don't know? Maybe her picture
NJ : did she have SNS?
JM : Yeah. I saw Jungkook followed her lmao
NJ : ?
JK : 🙃
NJ : what was her username?
JM : i don't remember
NJ : Jungkook
JK : what?
YGM : just tell us
JIN : ...... we are waiting
JK : it's @roses_are_rosie
KTH : that's....cute
NJ : cute
YGM : done
JM : done
JIN : done
JHS : done🤪
JK : ugh
NJ : thanks
YGM : update anything if you are in need
NJ : okay hyung


Jungkook has been worried about her since the last day they met and their kissed. He's been wondering if he was the reason of her missing. He shaking his head and trying to open her SNS. He smile and smirk. I miss you, Rosie, he murmured. He's trying to recall their moment last time and he smirked and he touch his lips.

His phone suddenly ringing. Unknown number. "Who the fuck is this?" he scoffs. He answer the call with his serious tone. "Who is this?" he asked. "Oppa!" a woman's voice can be heard at the other line. He being silent for a moment. "Oppa! This is Yura! You forgot about me, didn't you?!" the woman mad at him. "Ah Yura ah. Why my baby is calling me at this time?" he faking himself. "Oppa, I've been searching you these days. My night without you are so empty! I need you tonight, oppa~" the woman trying to flirting with Jungkook. "Ah, I'm busy these days, Yura. Sorry. Are you that lonely?" he smirk through the phone. "Stop playing around" the woman chuckled. "I'll call you later if I'm free, okay?" he trying to convince her. "Promise me? I miss you" as the woman giving him a kiss sound through the phone. "Missing you too" he replied than hang up his phone immediately. He sighs and closing his eyes, trying to sleep well.


"Your injuries will be recover soon. Don't worry" as the doctor said to Rosie, smilingly. "Have you been hit for a several times?" the doctor asked again. Rosie hesitating to answer. "Um, this is the first time, I guess" she lied. "Really? It's look like you've been hit for a many times" the doctor said while checking on her pulse. "Why, Doctor? Is there something wrong?" she asked worriedly. "I need to discuss it with your parent" the doctor said. "No no. Just say it to me. I don't want my mom to be worry about me because she's sick too, so you know.." she trying to convince the doctor. "Okay, how I want to say?" the doctor let out his sighs. Rosie was patiently waiting for the words will be coming out from that doctor's mouth. "I found you got a blood clot on your brain.." the doctor sighs again. Rosie just sit there speechless on what's going on.

"What should I do then?" she's shivering. "You need a good treatment.." the doctor said but he's been cut off by Rosie. "Is that guarantees my life??" she asked impatiently with her eyes widen. "It's 50-50" the doctor said, looking through her fear eyes. "Oh-" she wanted to cry at that time but her mom enter her room suddenly. "Thank you, Doctor" Rosie smile at the doctor as the doctor know her signal. The doctor left and smile at her mom.

"Are you okay, my love?" her mom asked, smilingly. "Yeah. I can't wait to discharge" she smile at her mom. "I bring another you favourite food!" her mom cheer. Rosie just laughing at her mom behaviour. "What it is?" as she patiently waiting for her mom took out a container on a bag. "Tada! Your favourite salad! I made it with love!" her mom open the container and show it to her. "It's...lovely" she replied and her tears drop without she realise. "Hey, what's wrong? Are you that touchy?" her mom laughs. "Noooo" she chuckled. "Thank you for everything, mom. I love you. I always do" she hug her mom, crying silently at her mom crook neck. Her mom patting her back trying to calm her down. "I love you too, my love" her mom crying too.


Hi!! Hehe. I'm updating today. I'm so excited for the countdown of BLACKPINK's comeback!! Oh my god! Let's us streaming it together!! Screaming for our queens! Oh ya, and thank you for that 1K READERS. I really di appreciate those who are reading my books. Didn't expect my book will reach until 1K. I wrote this book just for fun actually. But thank you again. Lots of loveeeeeeeee! Don't forget to vote on this book! I love youuuuu💜💜💜💜😭😭😭😭😭

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