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Namjoon's Crib

Rosie's Outfit :

Rosie was shocked at the size of Namjoon's house

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Rosie was shocked at the size of Namjoon's house. "So amazing.. His life must be good.." she murmured. She pressed the house bell and waiting for someone to open the gate. "Hello. Who's there?" there's a deep voice of guy asking her from inside. "Urm, Mr Kim Namjoon asked me to come here today. Btw, I'm Rosie. His new worker.." as she replied nervously. "Wait a second.." said the guy. Rosie waited there about 5 minutes but there are still no sign from someone to asked her come in. "Omg.. Am I statue or what.." she sighs. The weather is cold outside and she keep putting her hand in her pocket for avoiding the cold.

Suddenly, the gate was opened and someone in his middle age man greeted her, "Come in.. Sorry for making you wait outside for too long.." the middle age man said. "It's okay.. Thank you.." Rosie said while smiling and entered the house. The door house opened by a maid in the house and she lead the way to Namjoon's reading room. Rosie was shocked and observing Namjoon's house. It look clean and neat and have an unique design of his furnitures. "Pretty.." she whispered. "Here, Miss.." an old woman said while bowing. "Thanks" Rosie gave her a smile. The old woman then left her alone there.

Rosie knocked on the door twice. "Come in.." she can heard Namjoon's serious voice inside. She opened the door and just standing there, stiff. She didn't have a courage to move forward. Namjoon awe while looking at her. "Ay Rosie.. You.." as he look at his watch. "You're early today but on time.." he said giving her a smile. "Why you're standing there? Come in.. Don't be shy.." Namjoon stood up and giving her a sign to sit. "Oh, thanks. Okay.." She looked around at Namjoon's reading room. "You got a high taste on color and environment.." she said still amazed by the design of Namjoon's reading room. "Yeah.. I love this kind of design.." as he looked around too. "My type.." Rosie said to him smilingly. "You too? I bet we have a same interests tho..Didn't regret choosing you as my dresser.."he replied with smile. "Thanks for choosing me btw.." as she plastered her smile on her face. "Stop smiling.. I'm melt.." Namjoon said jokingly. "How am I supposed to react?" she laughs. "If I'm having a bad day later, I'll keep your smile on my mind then.." he replied while laughing. "Just keep it then.. I think that will be the only way you let go your stress.." she smiling, again. "Owww how sweet.. Thanks.. So, can we make our schedule today?" Namjoon asked her. "Pleasure is mine.. Sure..." she replied.


<1worldwide handsome & his 6ugly chickens Chatroom>

JM : You guys are not coming over?
JK : give me 1 hour, I'll be there..
Taetae : Same..
YGM : Still have work to do. You don't have any work to do, Park ChiMin?
JM : Even if I have, you didn't mind to know @YGM 🙄🙄
JIN : Hanging out with my girl
JM : Woah.. I need to find one too😢 @JIN
JK : Jiminnie, got ramen there?
JM : No. You ate it all last time!
JIN : & stop lingering around then @JM
RM : Will be there later.. Still catch up with something Chim
JM : What do you do this time hyung? @RM
JHS : Sorry guys.. I'm having my date rn
JM : Hmmm ☹️ It's okay Hope @JHS have fun with Lisa😢😏
RM : I recruited a new worker
JK : In your office? @RM
JM : Oh wow~~!! Male or female? 😏😏 @RM
JK : kkkkkkk~~!! 😏😏
RM : Nope. As my dresser. Female. She's hot🍑
JK : why tho you need a dresser?🙄 @RM
RM : I'll tell you guys later
JK : 👌
JIN : Then, see you guys tonight!
JM : Don't be late! Namjoon hyung got a hot story!
JHS : 👌👌
Taetae : ALRIGHT!
YGM : 👋🏻


How is it guys? I'm sorry if this chapter make you bored. So, Rosie work as a dresser for Namjoon. That's the tea. Ehe. Thanks for reading!! xx 🥰🥰

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