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As Rosie taking the last step of the stairs. She can hear a loud voice from her house. "Is that Mum's voice?" she asked herself nervously. She took a slow steps as she reached infront of her door house.

"I don't have any money right now!!"
"I know you have!! Give me the money like fucking right now, you whore!!"
"I said I don't!!"
Before Rosie's father hit her mother, Rosie save her mother by pushed her mother to the edge and she got hit instead. Her nose was bleeding and she feel her head hurts so much. Rosie's dad pulling her hair and beat her.
"You and your mother are same!! Stupid whore!!" as her father push her over and spit on the floor. Her father left the house.

"Rosie my daughter! Oh my! Are you okay?" her mother asked her while crying. "I'm okay mum.. Mum, are you okay?" Rosie push herself to stood up so her mother wouldn't worry that she's hurt. "I'm okay!! Are you really okay?!" her mother asked her worriedly. "You're bleeding.. Let me clean that for you.." her mother said while holding her arms. "I'm okay.. Don't worry.. I'll clean by myself.. I just want to sleep.." while she cleaning the mess that her dad made. "Go to your room.. I'll clean the mess.." her mother convince her. "Alright then haha" she laughs and go straight to her room. As she locked the door, she look at herself at the mirror. "Don't cry. I know you are strong Rosie.." while smiling and she started cleaning the blood.

"Yes, Sir? What can we help you?" the girl asked June. "One ice americano please.. with less ice" he continued while his eyes lingering around. "That's all, Sir?" said the girl. "Oh yes.. Um btw, are Rosie on her duty today?" June asking the girl. "Oh, she's on her leave today, Sir. Why?" the girl asked June. "No, I'm just asking.. Thanks btw.." June smiled at the girl. "You are welcome. Here's you balance, Sir. Please take a seat first.." said the girl while smiling. "Okay.." June replied her smile.

Jungkook send a text to Jimin.

JK :
JM :
What the fuck did you want?
JK :
Woahhh. Hold up, Hyung!
JM :
Just straight to the point..
JK :
I just wanna ask, where did you bought the cake for your party last time.?
JM :
Why? Is my cake toooooo delicious? 👅
JK :
For my lil sis party later, you hoe
JM :
Oh ya! Jiyun will having her birthday party soon, right? If I'm not mistaken, I bought it at Rusta Cafè.. I don't remember..
JK :
Please text me later if you are already remember
JM :
Chill you lil pepper. It's Rousta Cafè
JK :
JM :
You are so rude!! No thanks?! <seen>
Fuck you <seen>

Rosie look at the mirror with her underwear on. "Those bruises are no joke.." as she looked the bruises all over her body. She just laughs at herself and wear the cloth.

 She took a quick shower and put a some of foundation on her face to cover up some bruises at the edge of her lips, cheek and nose

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She took a quick shower and put a some of foundation on her face to cover up some bruises at the edge of her lips, cheek and nose. "All done.. It's worth to buy this foundation tho.." she put back the foundation and left the house with masks on.

She went to the pharmacy. "Welcome.." one of the workers greet her. "Hi, can I get some cream for the bruises?" she asked the worker. "Yeah. Wait for a moment... Here.." the worker pass her the cream. "How much?" she asked the worker. "5$, thank you.." the worker said after Rosie pass her the money.

Ding! The door bell of Rousta Cafè ringing. "Hi! Welcome to Rousta Cafè!" the girl greet the guy. "Oh hi..Um.." the guy looked around. "Yes.. What can we help you, Sir?" the girl asked. "Is there any possibility that one of your workers name, Rosie?" the guy asked. "Oh yes we have.. But who are you actually?" the girl asked with questionable face. The guy smile and reply "Oh, I'm her schoolmate.. So is she working today?" the guy asked. "No, she took 3 days leave.." the girl explain. "Oh, really? Why? Is she sick?" the guy impatiently asked. "We don't know the reason too, Sir" the girl awkwardly smile. "Oh.. okay.. Can you give her number phone to me?" the guy asked shyly. "Sorry, Sir. Unfortunately, she doesn't have a phone.." the girl said apologetically. "Really? For real?! How do you guys contacting her?" he asked in unbelievable. "Basically, she will informed us first..by using a public phone.." the girl said to the guy. "Really? Btw...send my regards to her if she returns to her work later.. From Jeon Jungkook" the guy said. "Okay, Mr Jeon" the girl said while chuckling. Jungkook left the cafè. Oh my! Are they still exist in this modern world?! A person without a phone?! Amazing.. As he entered his car and left the place.


How bout this chapter? I think I wrote it short!! What the next chapter will be? Hehe thanks for reading btw!! 💜💜 —Btw i'm not the owner of the photo that I'm using above. —credit to the owner

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