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Rosie sat there and her mind went to the wonderland. Suddenly her phone was vibrate.

Unknown number :
Hi Rosie!

She made a face. Who the fuck is this? She thought.

Rosie :
Hi? Did I know you?

Unknown number :
Hey it's me, June! Haha

Rosie :
Oh my gawd. I'm so sorry. I forgot that you've got my number earlier haha

Unknown number :
It's okay! What are you doing?

Rosie saved his number as <Customer June>. She just smile and shaking her head. (Oh no. I should prepare Namjoon oppa clothes!) As she stood up and choose on Namjoon's clothes. Perfect! She just chuckled.


Jungkook slowly took a step into Namjoon's reading room and looked around. "Where's she?" he asked. "Who?" Jimin replied with his eyebrow frowning. Jungkook just rolled his eyes. "That Rosie!" Jungkook replied in frustration. Namjoon glared at both of them. "Don't disturb her." He said and packing his things on his desk. "I need to go to my office after this. You guys here? Go back to where you guys belong" he ordered. "I need to see her first.." Jungkook said. "Where's she?" He continued. "Upstairs" Jimin said while looking at Jungkook then Namjoon. "Uh ah. Don't ever step your foot on my stairs.." Namjoon said with his hand on his waist. "I don't fucking care.." Jungkook left, make his way to go upstairs. "That little brat. How dare him" Namjoon sighs. "Just give him a chance hyung" Jimin laughs.

Rosie heard a door opened. "Here's your outfit oppa" but she didn't heard Namjoon's reply. She turn her back to face the door and shocked. "Mr Jeon? What are you doing here?" she asked in disbelief. "So it's you after all this time.." he said, his eyes just stared at the beautiful creature in front of him. "Huh? What do you mean? And, what are you doing here?" she asked again, in confusion. "He's my friend.." Namjoon replied. Jungkook was little bit shocked on Namjoon's existence. "Hyung, we need to talk.." Jungkook glared at him. "Talk about what? I'm late.. I need to go after this.. Please don't make a scene" Namjoon laughs and make his way to Rosie. Jungkook just stared at Namjoon with a blank expression. "Is this the outfit that you chosen?" Namjoon asked her. "Yes oppa. I hope you love it" Rosie smile at Namjoon and look at Jungkook. Jungkook's stare can kill her inside and she feel uncomfortable. "I go exchange" Namjoon said and left. Rosie just nodded.

"How many days have you been working with him?" Jungkook asked her. "1 weeks" She said as she busying herself cleaning the mess the she made after choosing on Namjoon's clothes. "Look at me" Jungkook's voice suddenly change from husky to deep voice. Rosie just froze there and shocked. Jungkook make his way to where Rosie was standing. But his way was cut off by Namjoon.

"Rosie, I loved this. You really have a good sense in fashion" he said, giving Rosie a hug. "Ah, it's not a problem at all" she laughs awkwardly. "What are you doing here? I thought you guys already left?" Namjoon said, questioning both of them. Jungkook turn his back to look who's the other one. Jimin was standing and lean on the door, smirk at Jungkook. Jungkook just glared at him. "Let's go, JK. Hyung, we take a leave. Thanks for having us. And, nice to meet you Rosie" Jimin said, giving Rosie a smile and a signal to Jungkook. Jungkook just let out his heavy sighs, "Bye hyung. Rosie, see you next time" he smiled. She turn her back just to wave at both of them. Jungkook and Jimin left. As she feel a little bit relieved. "You okay? Sorry if my friends make you uncomfortable." Namjoon said, while staring at Rosie's panic face that she hold on. "No, I'm okay.." she smiled. "I told you not to smile like that.." Namjoon laughs. "Geez.." she laughs too as she correcting Namjoon's tie. "Thanks" Namjoon said shyly. She just smiled.


"Fuck!" Jungkook said in frustration. "What the fuck is wrong with you, Jeon Jungkook?!" Jimin surprise at his behaviour. "Hyung, I missed my chance. She's the one that I told you before!" Jungkook close his eyes. "That Rosie?!" Jimin looked at Jungkook in disbelief. "Look in front! You are driving right now! For god's sake!!" Jungkook said nervously. "Sorry.." as he focused on the road. "I didn't knew that Namjoon took her as his dresser" Jimin continued. "I should've known!" Jungkook said with his low voice. "Namjoon just said Roseanne. Not Rosie!" he continued. "He did. He did mentioned Rosie" Jimin laughs. "When?!" Jungkook looked at his left to look at Jimin with his eyes widen. "I don't remember. But he did mentioned" Jimin said. "You fell in love with her?" Jimin smirk. "NO! I mean, I—" he was cut off by Jimin. "I saw everything, JK" Jimin smirk. "Hahh! Why would I falling in love with a dresser? My parent wouldn't allowed me!" he lied while looking outside. (Shit) Jungkook said to himself.

"Bla bla" Jimin replied while singing. Jungkook was lazy to argue with Jimin about that and he sat silently. Jimin laughs looking at his little brother behaviour and turned on the radio.


Short updates!! xx

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