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Namjoon's phone was ringing. He took out his phone from his pocket [Rosie] name stated on his phone screen. "Wait a sec" he said to the guys and stood up from his seat. "Rosie? Where are you?" he asked worriedly. "I'm searching for you oppa" she replied on the other line. "Where are you actually? I'll get you there" he asked again. "I'm at um— um I'll wait for you in front of the toilet?" she asked. "Alright. I'll be there" as he hang up the call and make his way to the toilet.

"What's wrong with Namjoon?" Seokjin asked weirdly. "I don't know" Hoseok replied as all of them look at Namjoon left from the scene. "Where the fuck is Jimin?!" Taehyung asked annoyingly. "Maybe he—" Jungkook was cut off by Jimin. "The fuck dude. I'm here" Jimin replied while smiling. All of the look at Jimin not because of his outfit or what, all of them actually being concern who will he bring to this party. "Hi everyone" a girl smile at them.

"Oh my god. Is it—" Lisa was cut off by Jennie. "Yeri?!" Jennie said in shock. Tzuyu face expression was change and didn't know how to react. Jisoo look at uncomfortable face of Tzuyu, she just smirk. "Yeri!" Jisoo calling for Yeri to join them by giving her a signal to sit with them. Jennie just forrows her eyebrow and look at Tzuyu who was looking down doesn't know how to react the situation. "Oppa, I'll join them" as she said to Jimin and make her way to the ladies. Jimin just nodded and smiling.

"What the fuck, Christian?!" Jungkook said in disbelief. "What?" Jimin said while laughing. "I hope everything went well today" Hoseok said jokingly. "I hope too" Seokjin said while laughing. Jungkook's face change. He feel so frustrated. "Relax bro. Just pray that both of them will be okay" Taehyung said while patting Jungkook's shoulder. "Sorry guys, I left you guys hanging" Namjoon suddenly appear with a girl beside him. All of them look at Namjoon in shock. "Namjoon? Who's she?" Seokjin asked with his eyes widen. "Oh! Meet her, Rosie" Namjoon chuckles. "Hi, I'm Rosie. Nice to meet you" Rosie give them a smile that could melt a heart.

Jungkook was amused by her outfit...so breathtaking. "Hi Rosie. Finally we can meet you" Seokjin said while giving her a smile. "I'm Kim Seokjin" he continue while giving her a hand shake. Rosie accepting his handshake followed by Hoseok and Taehyung. "I'm Jung Hoseok. Nice to meet you too" he smile. "Kim Taehyung" Taehyung smile as he look at Jungkook. "Remember me?" Jimin asked while laughing. "Of course" she smile. Rosie look at Jungkook who never took his eyes off from the moment Rosie was arrived. Rosie just smile at Jungkook and feels uncomfortable. "Ladies!" Namjoon shout a little to the ladies who are busy chatting. All of them turn their back. "My partner" Namjoon said proudly while smiling. "Rosie, they will be your friends tonight." Namjoon look at her and smile. "Is it okay?" Rosie asked feeling not-to-confident. "They are okay. Trust me" he gives Rosie a smile as she make her way to the ladies.

"What the fuck?" Jennie said in her slow voice. "She's so pretty!" as she continues. "Wow, she's something" Lisa said while smiling. "Namjoon really moving on this time" Jisoo said in awe. "Who is she btw unni?" Yeri asked them. "She's Namjoon's partner" Jisoo replied as her eyes still glued to Rosie. Tzuyu just stay silent and glared at Jungkook who still keep his eyes on her. "This is unbelievable" Yeri said. "Why?" Lisa asked her. "She's so pretty!" Yeri said smilingly. "Isn't?!" Lisa and Jennie said in unison.

"Hi ladies" Rosie greet them with her smile. "Please take a seat. Don't be so shy with us" Jennie offer Rosie a seat beside her as Rosie sitting down beside her. "Hiiii! I'm Lalisa and just call me Lisa" Lisa excitedly said. "You are so pretty" she continue. Rosie laughs, "Hi Lisa. Thanks for that. You are pretty too" she shyly cover her mouth from smiling. Lisa just grin. "Really tho. Btw, I'm Kim Jisoo" Jisoo said while checking her out. "Hi Jisoo" she smile. "I'm Jennie. Kim Jennie" Jennie said while smiling. "Hi Jennie. Can I call you Jen?" Rosie asked. "Sure you can baby" Jennie said while whispering. "Ehem" Yeri clearing her throat. "I'm Yeri. Nice to meet you, Rosie" she took out her hand for a hand shake as Rosie accepting her handshake. "Me too" she replied. The girls just laughing beside Tzuyu. "I'm Tzuyu" she said with her cold face. "Oh uh, Hi Tzuyu" Rosie said with her smile fading away. Jennie just giving Rosie a look of  don't-care-about-her and Rosie just nodded meaning that she's understand.

"So, how long have you been with Namjoon oppa?" Jennie asked while holding Rosie's arm. Rosie's eyebrow frowned. "What do you mean?" she asked. Jennie widen her eyes. "You are not his girlfriend?" she asked again for a confirmation. "Nah, I'm not" she laughs a little. "So you are not?" Jisoo asked this time. Lisa and Yeri are in shock. Tzuyu keep glaring her eyes on Jungkook but Jungkook always took a glance on Rosie. "So what's your relationship with him?" Yeri asked like a reporter. Everyone was waiting for her answer. "His personal dresser." Rosie smile. "What?!" All of them said in unison besides Tzuyu. "A personal dresser? Why tho he need a dresser? I just don't understand Namjoon oppa sometimes" Jennie said while pinching her forehead. "Me tooo" Lisa said while laughing. "How long have you been being his dresser?" Jisoo asked. "About two weeks?" Rosie replied with her smile. All of them are left in disbelief and continue for chatting.

"You are moving on dude?" Seokjin asked Namjoon with his glass on his hand. "What do you mean?" Namjoon's eyebrow frowned. "Oh my god. That girl I mean. She's pretty tho. You must took this opportunity as for you to moving on" Seokjin sighs. "No hyung. She's just his dresser. That's all. Not more than that" Jungkook said with his serious face. "I'm not asking you" Seokjin replied jokingly. Jimin can feel a heat on Jungkook because they talk about Rosie as he give Taehyung a signal, and Taehyung connected immediately. "Yeah, she's just my dresser. Plus, I don't want to think about that anymore. I better focus on my career" Namjoon said and drink his wine. "Tch" Seokjin tease him. Hoseok just stare at them, smiling. "Btw, where's Yoongi?" Namjoon asked trying to change the topic. "Nah, I know you are changing the topic but you are stating the fact. Why I didn't see Yoongi from the moment I was here!?" Seokjin said annoyingly. The maknae just laughs and shrugs at them beside Jungkook who always stare at Rosie. (Why she's so pretty tonight with that outfit? Please behave yourself tonight Jungkook) Jungkook thought to himself and smirk.

Hi! So, can you guys predict what will happen next? 🤧🤣

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