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Only BTS

"Where's Namjoon tho?" Yoongi asked. "He must be enjoyed his moment this time.." Jimin replied boringly. "Hi everyone.. Missed me?" Taehyung entered the place with a smile. "You are late. Everyone's late!" Jimin pouted his lips. "I'm sorry.." Jin came after that. "I'm bring some food for you guys.." while opening the food in the paper-bag. "Smells good.." Yoongi lazily make his way to the dining table. "Where's Jungkook? And where the fuck is Namjoon?? Jimin raised his voice. "Call them.."Jin calmed Jimin.

Jungkook heavily sweaty on what he was doing right now. "Ahhhhh!" the girl loudly moan. "Wa-it wait.." Jungkook said to girl while his eyes closed. He really enjoying that moment and suddenly his phone was ringing. "Fuck! Who the fuck disturbing me right now?! he mad. The girl crawling on his top. "Wait babe.." he persuade the girl. "Faster.. I can't get enough.." the girl said while winked. Jungkook just gave her a flying kiss and took his phone at the table beside the bed. Shortie Jimin. "Ugh.." he answered the call. "Yeah?" he said madly. "Where are you, Jungkook. Everyone's here" he said worriedly. "Fasterrrrrr.." the girl said to Jungkook while jumping on his top. "I-I'm.." Jungkook just can't hold the feels. "Don't tell me, you are having a moment right now?! Are you kidding me, Jeon Jungkook?!" Jimin yelled him at the other line. "Whatever Hyung.. Give me 30 minutes. I'll be there.." he hang up the called and continue on what he was doing.


"Can't believe Mr Kim giving me this.." as she looked at her new phone. She open a camera and took her first selfie on her new phone.


"It's been so long

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"It's been so long.. If not because of my father.." she shaking her head and make her way to her workplace. Namjoon and her schedule only meet on 7am until noon. The rest she will continue her work at the cafe from 2pm until 8pm. Her work at Namjoon's place is just simple. Just choose the outfit that he will wear for every Monday till Friday and dress him properly and well.

As she took a step in the cafe, someone greeted her. "Hi, it's been a while seeing you here.." June greeted her with a big smile. "Oh hi. Sorry. I took an extra leave.. How are you?" she smiled. It makes June's heart beating faster. "Oh uh, I'm fine. How about you? You are not sick right?" he asked worriedly. "Nah, I'm fine.." she stated, still smiling. "You.. Have a pretty smile.." he said shyly. "Thanks.. You are the second person said that for this week. She laughs. "Oh ya? who's first?" he asked. Why do I even feel jealous? But he just shook his head. "Just someone that I just knew.. Btw, I go inside first.. Talk to you later.." as she go in the cafe. "Oh bye, Rosie" he smiled. Rosie just waving at him. He turned back and touch his chest. "What is this?" and he left while smiling.

"Yo finally Jeon Jungkook is here!" Taehyung yelled and make everyone laughs. "I'm sorry, have something to do.." he just smiled. "Oh yeah. What 'something' that you do? huh?" Jimin just glared at him. "He grew up faster.." Jin just shaking his head. "You! Everyone was waiting for you, and you just having a moment?!" Hoseok pointed at his face, jokingly. "Sorry hyung" Jungkook just laughs. Jungkook took a seat beside Yoongi. "So, what is that hotty motty story?" Jungkook asked. "You can start now hyung" Jimin said to Namjoon. "Waittttt!" Jin yelled. "I need to get some drink first.." he stood up. "Me too.." Jimin said, followed by Yoongi and Taehyung.

As all gathered, "Continue.." Jin ordered. "Um how do I start this? You know, I put an ad on this one website and I'm looking for a dresser.." as Namjoon said he was cut off by Jungkook, "Hyung, why the fuck you need a
dresser tho? I'm so curious.." Jungkook while making a face. "Because, I can.. Nah, Because I just feel these days my fashion sense was decrease and I'm not confident in my wearing anymore.." Namjoon just looked down. "What? That's all?" Jimin laughs. "Continue.." as Yoongi said. "Okay. And there's a girl want to work with me.. So she literally saw my ad, and showed up the restaurant that I've stated on the ad.. I thought no one will notice my ad tho.." as he laughs. "Continue.." Hoseok said. "I chose that girl as my dresser.. Because I don't know why.. I feel, I have to chose her.. For no reason.." He just sighs. "You fell for her?" Jin asked while smirking. "No.. But you know what, she have a pretty smile and no can resist.. So do I.." he smiled. "You got her picture?" Jimin asked impatiently. "Unfortunately, no.." He looked at Jimin. "And what shocked me more.." he laughs and continued "she doesn't have a phone.. at all..." then he make a straight face. "wHaT?!" what kind of person she is??" Jungkook laughs. "Unbelievable.." Jin shocked. "At all? You mean?" Hoseok confused. "Yeah.." Namjoon replied with his eyes widen. "wo wo wo.. is this true?" Jungkook asked Namjoon again. "Yeah!" Namjoon sighs. "We need to see her soon.." Jimin said. "DO NOT TRESPASS MY HOUSE" Namjoon said with his eyes widen while looking at Jimin and Jungkook. Jungkook and Jimin just laughs because they always do that.

"And she's freaking pretty.. I fucking swear.." Namjoon said while smiling. "I bet she's really pretty.." Yoongi replied. "We never seen Namjoon like this.." Hoseok replied to Yoongi. "True.." Yoongi said. Jungkook just sit silently and smiled. There's something in his mind playing right now. "What's her name btw?" Taehyung asked. "Roseanne.." Namjoon smiled. "Such a nice name.." Taehyung said. "She must be really pretty.. I'm jealous.." Jimin said while pouting. "I'm so curious.." Jin said while thinking. "Who does she resembles?" Jin asked again. "I don't know.. Her beauty can't be describe.." Namjoon said while frowning his eyebrows. "I need to see her.." Jungkook said while laughing. "You can.. But just don't fuck her.. She's too innocent.." Namjoon said. That night, the conversation were all about, Rosie.


Hi! Is this chapter is boring? If it so, I'm so sorry for that.. Will improve it more.. Love ya. Thanks for reading!! 💋

<Can't believe my readers now reaches 100 readers😭 Omg I'm so grateful that you guys were reading my books😭😭😭 I love you guys. And keep supporting our babies BTS&BLACKPINK💙💜>

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